This past weekend, we had my last shower. This nautical baby shower was thrown by friends and friends were mainly who was on the guest list. We had it at my house, which was great because I simply had to move the gifts from my living room to the baby’s room after the party.
My best friend Candace, who organized the whole thing, had Brad take me out for breakfast and a manicure before the party, so seeing all the decorations and food was a surprise for me when I arrived 30 minutes before the shower.

My kitchen was decked out in nautical colors.

…plus lots of yummy food.

Check out this beautiful cake. It was so yummy! I devoured every bite of the gigantic piece that was served to me.

In my dining room, the diaper cake and a candy bar was set up on display.

How cute is this nautical themed diaper cake my friend Erin made? It looks like a professional made it.

Some of my favorite candy was out for favors: caramel creams, Hershey’s Kisses, Twizzlers, and Tootsie Pops.

My mantel was decorated with some of Baby E’s nautical colored clothing.

Here’s Candace and I

And here’s a shot of my mom and I

The house was very full, but everyone found somewhere to sit, eat, and chat.

So glad these two ladies drove all the way to Charlotte from the Raleigh area, just for my shower! How sweet are they?

There were also a few babies in attendance, like Brittney’s beautiful baby, Allie.

Soon, it was time to open gifts. Thank goodness Case kept track of everything. I have about five bajillion thank you notes to write. My friends are so generous!

I received so many wonderful gifts that I cannot wait to use on little Baby E.
Thank you so much to everyone who came to my shower, plus a special thanks to the ladies who made it possible: Casey, Brittney, Josie, and Erin. And especially Candace who organized, planned, and carried out the whole thing. She’s the best friend I could ever hope for and my shower would not have been as beautiful and creative without her.
For more nautical baby shower ideas, check out my first shower with Brad’s family and my second shower with my family.