Hi! Thanks for stopping by!
My name is Kelly and I am a foodie; one who loves preparing food as much as I love eating it.  I currently live in Charlotte, NC with my husband Brad and our dachshund, Rascal.
If you are a company or publication interested in hiring me, please check out my Media Press Kit.
I began this blog in October of 2009 and it has grown to be a part of me. I can honestly say that I love blogging as much as I love cooking. If cooking is an expression of love (and I believe that it is!), then blogging has allowed me to share my love with so many more people than those who find themselves sitting at my kitchen table. Over time this blog has evolved to allow me to express my love of other things, mainly fitness and my own personal style. However, food remains my favorite focus, so you’ll see more of it than anything here at Foodie Fresh.
I love hearing from readers.
I have to have a blog because I have more things to say than can possibly fit in a 24 hour day. But I love hearing what you have to say too so please be a part of the discussion. If you have a question, comment, or even want to respectfully disagree with something I have said, please comment comment comment! You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, RSS, Email, or contact me directly via email using the address below!
Contact Me:Â kelly@foodiefresh.com
My Story:
I had a love/hate relationship with food for most of my life, but am finally learning to just love it. I was chubby, maybe even fat, as a kid. I learned how to “diet” when I was 13 and lost about 30 lbs, which probably made me a bit too thin at the time. Learning how to diet does not mean learning how to be healthy and that was definitely something I was missing out on. For the next 12+ years I tried tons of different diets. My weight fluctuated up and down throughout the entire time. I lost the most weight when being the least healthy with the most extreme diets, only to gain weight again when I stopped being so extreme. Dieting is a form of control for some people, and it was definitely that for me. Most of my dieting started out as a healthy attempt to lose weight, becoming less healthy and more detrimental to my metabolism as I imposed rules on myself that would end up being impossible to maintain.
Today, I’ve come a long way from where I was in college and high school. Â I try to stick to a diet of mostly whole foods. Â I focus on the quality of my food and how it makes me feel. Â I found love in cooking for the ones I love, especially when it involves healthy nourishing foods. Â As much as I love eating, seeing someone truly appreciate my cooking feeds my soul. Â This different outlook on food and nutrition didn’t come completely from within. Â The healthy living blog community inspired me to change my eating habits as well as begin this blog. Â But more importantly, my husband Brad was a huge part of me having the courage to try new things in the kitchen. Â He has encouraged my cooking from the very beginning of our relationship, praising me for trying when I didn’t succeed and acting like I was the best cook in the world when I did. Â Now, he is a constant source of motivation and support for my blog. Â I changed my relationship with food for myself, but I cook for the benefit of others, which is usually Brad. Â Nothing makes me happier.

**I am not an expert on nutrition or fitness. The ideas expressed here are based on my own experiences. If you are seeking advice on diet or exercise, please consult a professional.**
Sometimes you will see reviews on Foodie Fresh. Â I will always disclose if I am compensated for the review. I turn down companies on almost a daily basis to review their products or services because it is very important to me that I only give press to companies and products I use and like. Â If you see a product with a glowing review on Foodie Fresh, you can be assured that I really do like the product. Â My word is very important to me both spoken and written.
Kelly, I saw your message on Kath’s blog about Crave and it prompted me to head over to your blog to confirm that we have similar food philosophies! You have an inspiring story and some great recipes – congrats on the success. I also live in Charlotte (am a relatively new transplant), with my husband and doggie, so would love to meet up sometime!
Well welcome to Charlotte! I’m always thrilled to death to get comments since I’m just getting started in the blogging world and haven’t had the time to really keep at it lately. My fiance and I are always up for meeting new people so we’ll definitely have to meet up and show you around Charlotte. 🙂
You are absolutely beautiful and I look forward to reading more from you!
What a gorgeous couple. I love you passion and share it with you!
HEY! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. I love your story and I am excited to follow along with you! When is your wedding??!
Thanks! Your story is really interesting as well. My wedding is August 7th. Yikes! It’s creeping up so quickly.
You and Brad make the cutest couple 😀
I have to agree with the others- you guys are such a cute couple! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! How exciting!
hey kelly! i saw you on kath’s blog and thought i’d say hi because i just moved to the charlotte area. there are sooo many bloggers around here. hopefully we’ll get to do a big meet up some time!
awesome, another CLT blogger! hope to have a meetup sometime this summer 🙂
btw you are GORGEOUS!
Aw! That’s so sweet of you to say! Definitely let me know about a meetup! 🙂
I am from Charlotte too! And I also have a boyfriend (not fiance!) named Brad. Too funny! I look forward to reading your blog 🙂
I’m just north of Charlotte… let me know if anyone plans a blogger meet up… how fun would that be?!
It was so great to meet you tonight!
It was great to meet you too! Hopefully I’ll see you again soon! 🙂
Hi Kelly! I think that you are my healthy lifestyle twin (besides the fact that you seem to be an avid runner…I’ll get there one day). Your outlook on food and living a healthy lifestyle seems to be very similar to mine. I just started blogging…mainly to keep track of my journey to health and for fun. I’m looking forward to following Foodie Fresh…thanx for sharing:)
“I was chubby, maybe even fat, as a kid. I learned how to “dietâ€? when I was 13 and lost about 30 lbs, which probably made me a bit too thin at the time.”
That’s just like me! I’m almost 16 now, and I put myself on a diet when I was 12. I’m having a hard time not obsessing over what I eat, and I’m probably in the fluctuating stage you were in. It’s always a journey each day, and I hope you learn the “maintaining and moderation” like I’m trying to, too. 🙂
14 years later and now I think I finally have it. It’s a part of self growth that sometimes takes longer for others. I hope you get to this point easily and soon. The obsessing part is difficult because you don’t want to undo the progress, but learning how to have balance so you can enjoy life without thinking too hard about everything you put in your mouth is so important. A lot of people try to lose weight because they think they will be happier. Don’t lose sight of the happiness part, because a life lived obsessing over your weight is not a happy one. Thank you so much for your comment and best of luck to you. 🙂
Hey Kelly, I just saw your blog on Kath’s and wanted to check it out! Thanks for sharing your story and I look forward to reading more!
By the way, are you at Bern’s Dessert Room in those adorable photos with your fiance??? I just moved from Tampa to Charlottesville and immediately recognized the phone booth, brick walls and delicious cappuccino!!:D I could be wrong though.
It is Bern’s! We were at the dessert room very very early in our relationship. Brad worked in Tampa on a project for work for over two years and was still there when we met. He took me to Ceviche’s for my birthday and Bern’s for dessert. He knew the way to my heart! 🙂 Did you ever try their white macadamia nut ice cream? Brad was obsessed with that stuff!
YES, it was soo delicious! My fiance and I went right before we moved and had the Macadamia nut sundae, served in a waffle bowl topped with nuts, caramel and hot fudge on the side… It was ridiculous!!
Wow, Brad is good!! Ceviche + Bern’s Dessert Room = AMAZING date!:) I already miss both! Did you live in Tampa too?
No, he flew me down from NC. He technically didn’t “live” there either. He was in corporate housing for 2 years. I liked to tell my parents that I had a “homeless” boyfriend.
Did you know they got rid of that flavor? They told Brad on his last visit that their foreign distributor was going out of business and they couldn’t reproduce it in the US b/c there were three ingredients that weren’t approved by the FDA. At least that’s what his waitress said. haha
I think they ended up re-working the flavor in the end. All of those who have tried the macadamia nut ice cream should let out their sigh of relief now. 😉
Kelly – This is Melissa, Brad’s coworker up in Richmond. Megan told me about your blog and it is great! I have been a big fan of Kath, Carrots-n-Cake and Eat, Live, Run for awhile so it’s fun to have another to read! Congrats on your wedding this weekend!!!! Hope to see you soon 🙂
Thanks Melissa! I read those same three for a while before I decided to start my own. Kath is actually really nice! I’m going to be a little MIA for the next several week, but I’m glad you like reading. I really love blogging. I hope I see you soon too! We always have the Amentra Christmas party right? 🙂
Hi Kelly,
This is the Anna from Amentra. 🙂 I’ve been looking at your blog, and I love it! I really enjoy these types of recipes. Also, I eat a lot of oats for breakfast during the winter, so I liked your ideas for jazzing up a basic breakfast item. Thanks for sharing with us!
Hi Anna! Long time no see! Thanks for reading. I really love hearing that people I know actually read my blog. 🙂 I hope I see you soon!
Love your blog!!! Your recipes are fabulous and you are gorgoeus!
Thanks! You’re so sweet!
Loved reading your story! Glad you are at a healthy place now!
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You guys are a gorgeous couple and I love your outlook on food 🙂
Hi Kelly!
I’m glad I found your blog. We have a lot in common (food philosophies), wine, dogs, busy life! I look forward to following 🙂
Hi Ally! Thanks for stopping by and reading. 🙂
Very excited about your blog! 🙂
Thank for reading Jenny! 🙂
Kelly you’re an inspiration! I have no idea how I came across you (or your blog for that matter) today but I was so fascinated that I read back at least 4 months of your posts 🙂 And that’s insane for me b/c I don’t usually like too many people’s blogs haha. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I envy your creativity and healthful ways in the kitchen and I will be using some of your ideas from here on out. That deserves a HUGE thank you and keep up the good work!! I love and appreciate all of your photos too!
Another Fellow Foodie
Wow, thanks Karly! What a sweet and thoughtful comment. I really appreciate feedback like yours; they keep my blogging. It feels so great to know that someone appreciates the effort I put into it. I hope I hear from you often. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your story! I’m glad to hear you have such a supportive husband!
I just found your blog today and look forward to reading more! I can totally relate to your story and your journey to finding a healthy balance. My first diet was during my elementary school years and I’ve been on one or another ever since (I’m 32 now). My weight and the fact that I was put on a diet at such an early age really broke down my confidence levels. I always thought that I must not be good enough, when in reality I know that my parents just wanted me to be healthy. I reached my highest weight (186lbs) by the end of my freshman year in high school and it was at that time that I reached my breaking point. I joined a nutrition program at a local gym and lost the weight; however, dieting started to become an obsession. I was so frightened about the “Freshman 15” when I went away to school that I ended up weighing 90lbs by the end of my freshman year. Like you, what started out as something that was supposed to make me healthier led to something much more detrimental. I completely understand what you mean when you speak about “rules” and the dieting being a control mechanism. I’m learning to be more balanced now and I too credit the blogging community for helping me reach the point that I’m at now. I’m so glad that you’re in such a better place now. You deserve it! 🙂 (Sorry this was so long)
Thanks so much for sharing your story! Sounds like we have very similar backgrounds with dieting. And please don’t apologize! I’m so happy my story resonated with you. I look forward to hearing more from you. 🙂
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Great blog! I have a similar background with food and like you, am also an avid runner. Are you training for a marathon?
Look forward to reading more!
I am. 🙂
i love your blog!!!
Thanks Mallory! 🙂
I love your story, Kelly! You and Brad remind me a lot of myself and my wife Lisa. Lisa used to struggle with an eating disorder, and we’ve been through a lot as we’ve taken on her self-defeating thoughts together. Thankfully, everything is looking up now, and we’re both developing a fresh appreciation for food as we cook new recipes together. Good times! 🙂
Great blog! You also have a great story and tell it very well. Can’t wait to hear more!
I LOVE that you’re local …I’m a fellow Charlottean and have to say, we seem to both have a healthy appreciation for food! I love your blog–thank you for sharing such amazing tips with us!! =D
Thanks so much! I’m glad you found me. 🙂
Hey Kelly!
You have a really great blog here! I really like the looks of that Pumpkin and Black Bean soup recipe you have and can’t wait to try it out!
I was wondering, with you being someone passionate about fresh food, fitness and health in general, would you be interested in helping us spread the word about our campaign to bring fresher, living, healthier foods into the home? Find it here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/569973520/grow-up-vertical-farming-for-everyone
Let me know what you think!
Thanks so much,
Hi Kelly!
I am a 3rd year student at UCSB and I love your healthy food blogs. As a college student, it is important to keep a healthy and balanced diet in order to perform well in school. However, every student loves a treat once in awhile! I have compiled many recipes for desserts that are simple, affordable, and healthy. I would love to write a guest blog on your page about eating healthy from a college student’s perspective. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Gabriela Sneider
Business Development Associate-SB Fish Market
Hi Gabriela,
While I do allow guest posts periodically, it is always friends or bloggers whose blogs I read regularly. Thanks for the inquiry but I am not accepting guest posts that do not fit this criteria at this time.