When I’m sick, I rarely loose my appetite. My taste buds might be a bit off but I’m still pretty much as hungry as I normally would be.
The one thing that does change however is my taste for vegetables. It’s not that they gross me out when I’m sick — they just don’t appeal to my taste buds at all.

I almost always make myself a smoothie when I’m sick because it’s the only way I can get myself to happily eat my veggies.
Yesterday for lunch, I ate this tall glass of pumpkin smoothie (with spinach) when Brad joined me for lunch.
I feel bad that he came home to eat lunch with me. I definitely wasn’t much to look at. Although I had managed to get out of my pajamas and into yoga pants and a t-shirt, I hadn’t bothered to brush my hair and I was pretty sure Brad took the toothpaste to work with him. I couldn’t find it anywhere!
You’ll be happy to know that by dinner time my taste for veggies came back and I finally located the missing toothpaste and was able to brush my teeth.
Meanwhile, my smoothie lunch got me thinking. I often rely on smoothies to fill in the gaps in my nutrition. Why force myself to eat a salad that I don’t want when I cold creamy smoothie almost always sounds appealing?
Over the past few years, I’ve accumulated quite a collection of smoothie recipes. Most of my recipes have the same base and I just add different fruit for different flavors.
Going back through my archives, I dug up my favorite smoothie recipes. They’re all easily made in five minutes or less and they’re all very so delicious and filling. I add whey protein to my smoothie but feel free to substitute with the protein powder of you choice. I think some kind of protein powder is necessary if you’re going to eat these as a meal. Plus it just makes them taste better.
So here they are…

My 11 Best Smoothie Recipes

Mini Mocha Smoothie
This smoothie is snack size.

Strawberries and Cream Smoothie

Although I love all these smoothies, the two I eat most are the Pumpkin Pie Smoothie and the Chocolate Raspberry Smoothie. I like to switch it up now and then, but these are my two very favorites.
Do you use smoothies to fill in the gaps in your nutrition?
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