Lately, I’ve been making a point to go home for lunch everyday.
Work for me is just a short 10 minute drive from home. And getting out into the sunshine and out of the florescent light, even briefly, makes me so much happier.
I’ve often stared into the bottom of my lunchbox wishing I had packed something else. So, I count myself very lucky to be able to run home for lunch where I have my whole refrigerator and pantry at my fingertips.
Maybe it’s the warmish weather we’ve been having here in Charlotte lately, but I’ve been loving salads. If you follow me on Facebook, you’ve been seeing my daily salads. But I just couldn’t keep them to myself (and my Facebook friends), I had to share them with the rest of you as well.
So if you’re looking for some lunchtime inspiration, look no further.

Wednesday’s Salad
- Spinach
- Cucumbers
- Orange Bell Pepper
- Teriyaki Sesame Pulled Pork
- Avocado
- Goat Cheese
- Wholesome Goodness Multigrain Flax Tortilla Chips*
*They sent me some products to try out and by far this is my favorite product. You can’t beat a good tortilla chip. According to their website, WG tries to create products using natural ingredients at an affordable price.

Thursday’s Salad
- Spinach
- Asian Slaw
- Edamame
- Cashews
For only four ingredients (if you don’t count the several things in the slaw), this salad was amazing. Seriously amazing.

Friday’s Salad
- Mixed Greens
- Cucumbers
- Red Bell Pepper
- Avocado
- Cheddar Cheese
- Black Beans
- More Wholesome Goodness Tortilla Chips
- Greek Yogurt
- Salsa
This salad was a monster and so so very delicious!
And now for some fun.
Several of you have responded to my reader survey (and if you haven’t, it would mean a lot to me if you would, which you can do here) and a few of you have even participated in the “ask me anything” portion of the survey.
For the next few days (or as long as they continue to come in), I’m going to answer a couple at the end of every post.
Here goes…
How do you feel when a blog reader approaches you while you’re out in public? Do you feel like your privacy is somehow compromised because you have such a public platform?
This doesn’t happen all that often, but when it does, I’m extremely flattered. It’s amazing to me that people actually read my blog so I absolutely love to know that people do. If you see me out in public, please come up and say hello. If you enjoy reading my blog, we obviously have things in common and should be friends. 🙂
I have worried about privacy a time or two, which is why I’ve never posted a photo of the front of my house on the blog and for a long time didn’t mention my last name. I don’t fear the general reader, I fear the potentially crazy person who could be a reader. If you’re careful about the information you give out, the only real danger is when you meet up with a reader. But there are ways to be safe about that as well. And you definitely shouldn’t ever fear meeting up with someone you’ve connected with through your blog. You might meet the most wonderful person.
Where do you get your recipe inspirations? Cookbooks, blogs? Do you hope to quit your day job to focus on recipe developing/freelancing in the future?
Let first get to the inspiration…yes, to all of the above and every once in a while I have a completely original idea of my own. That’s not to say that someone else hasn’t done something similar, but my version is completely concocted in my head. I like to get inspiration from photos and sometimes I’ll look at a few recipes. I find that if you know how to make a few very simple things, you can change them in so many ways to make completely new dishes. Sometimes Brad is a great source of inspiration as well. He’ll say, “You should make…”. And most of the time, he’s absolutely right. I should make that. I’m still waiting on the ice cream maker so we can make fig goat cheese ice cream. Now, doesn’t that sound amazing?
And second…of course. I believe that anyone who puts this much work into something for which they receive very small compensation, dreams of one day being recognized for their work and dreams even bigger of being allowed to do nothing but what they love to do. The only way for me to do this all day is to 1) hit the lottery or 2) make enough money from blogging/freelancing to do it full-time. I’ll take either, but my hopes are on the second. I don’t know if this will ever be a reality for me, but it’s nice to have dreams.
Have your own questions for me? Fill out my survey to be completely anonymous.