Soda: the evil one

After turning off my alarm and sleeping for an extra hour rather than working out (I really needed that sleep this morning), I was all ready for my absolute favorite meal of the day.

This morning’s breakfast was brought to you by my pancake making success on Sunday morning.  Savoring one little pancake per day makes the whole week so much better…and pancake-y-er.

This was pretty much a repeat from Monday

…except this time there was half a pear with cinnamon..  It’s amazing how well pears and apples will hold up in the fridge without browning if you just take the time to squeeze a little lemon juice on the exposed flesh.  This pear was cut on Sunday and has  been in my fridge ever since.  A little lime juice works too if you don’t have a lemon.

And this is what happens when you microwave your egg too long.  It turns out that 45 seconds is just too long and I ended up with a yolk crater after it exploded.  Which leads me to my next point, always always always cover your egg with a paper towel when microwaving it.  I did, thank goodness, so there were no tiny bits of egg all over the microwave when this happened.  So when following the perfect egg method, use a paper towel and do not go over 40 seconds.  Your microwave will thank you.


Today is day one of the NoFizz 30 day Challenge (for me).  You can sign up anytime, even in the middle of the month.

I’m so glad to say that my brother Wess and his wife, Jen are taking this challenge as well.  I remember the last time Wess tried to wean himself off of Sundrop, the local drug of choices.  He was in high school and I was in college.  His conversations with me on the phone would start with, “So I fell off the wagon yesterday…”.

It’s not easy, but I know he (and Jen!) can do it.

As part of the 30 Day Challenge, NoFizz send me some interesting information and tips for each day of the challenge.  Today’s focus is on the dangers of soda.  We all know soda is  bad for us and too much of it can do all kinds of bad things to our bodies,  but I think it’s helpful to be reminded of the specifics from time to time.


Some scary soda facts:
– According to the Centers for Disease Control, soda is the number one source of calories in the American diet.
– The CDC predicts that, due to unprecedented levels of childhood obesity, the current generation of American children will be the first in almost 300 years to live shorter lives than their parents. 
– According to the USDA, soft drinks are the leading source of added sugars in the diet of young Americans, who get 20 teaspoons a day of added sugar from soft drinks.
– Research has shown that for every additional serving per day of soft drink consumed, the risk of becoming obese increases by 50%. 

Those are some pretty startling statistics!  I’m so glad I made the decision months ago to almost completely cut soda out of my life.  I don’t believe in depriving myself if I really want one, which is very rarely. But cutting it out for a while definitely lessened my cravings.

Later, I’ll post some things that worked for me when I put an end to the Diet Dr. Pepper cravings.

Happy hump day! 🙂