Egg perfection

Remember how I came clean about marathon training and said that I would use blogging to keep myself accountable to my workouts?

Well here’s the plan for the week:

Monday: 30 Day Shred Level 1 + 30 minutes cardio
Tuesday: 4 mile run with Nicole
Wednesday: 30 Day Shred Level 1 + 30 minutes cardio
Thursday: Charlotte Southpark Turkey Trot 8K
Friday: No More Trouble Zones
Saturday: 20 mile run (YIKES!)
Sunday: Off

This morning I rose very early…way earlier than the sun.  Can you guess how early?  4:30 am.  Yes, I have to get up that early if I’m going to be at work by 8 am because my commute is over an hour.  You’ve probably heard that already but I want to avoid the “What? are you crazy?”s.  I go to bed super early to make up for it…think great grandma early.

I did the 30 day shred as planned.  I headed downstairs to the dreadmill, which is actually a life saver right now so I shouldn’t abuse it with such language.  I was going to do an easy three mile run but after taking one step my left leg started screaming at me…the side of my quad near the back is not happy with me today.  I instead opted for the stationery bike, which I don’t think I’ve used in over a year.  I did about 6.75 miles in thirty minutes.

At that point I was more than ready for a shower and breakfast.

Now that dairy is back in my life in full force I was ready to embrace my favorite use for Laughing Cow cheese this morning.

One piece of Ezekiel toasted
Laughing Cow swiss cheese
smoked salmon
microwaved egg, with salt and pepper
baked pears with cinnamon and nutmeg

Microwaves make the best eggs.  I kid you not.  Look how perfect my egg looks.  It tasted perfect too.  Well almost.  I like mine a little more runny.

For egg perfection, spray a ramekin with oil or non-stick spray.  Crack and egg in the ramekin and top with salt and pepper.  Cover with a paper towel (learned this the hard way) and nuke for 40 seconds, less if you like your egg a little runny.

Here’s to a short work week and the promise of yummy food on Thursday! 🙂