I’ve had dinner cooking all day yesterday in preparation for a quick meal since Brad and I had big plans last night.
On the menu: veggie lentil soup and a piece of seeded soda bread with Earth Balance.
I’ve decided to not make the soda bread ever again. It just tastes too heavily of soda and Brad is pretty sick of eating it too. Am I a bad person if I just throw the rest away? I’m not sure I could live with myself.
Veggie Lentil Soup
-1 1/2 cups brown lentils
-6 cups vegetable broth
-1/2 large white onion, diced
-1 red bell pepper, diced
-1/2 gigantic tomato or 1 medium tomato, diced (mine was gigantic)
-1 bag organic frozen veggies (green beans, peas, corn, and carrots)
-2 tsp. salt
-1/2 tsp. white pepper
– 1/2 tsp. cumin
-1/2 tsp. ground coriander
Add all ingredients to a crockpot and stir several times. Turn crockpot on low and cook for at least eight hours or put heat on high for four hours.
I put the lentils and the broth in a crockpot overnight without the heat, but this does not need to be done the night before. The next morning I added the rest of the ingredients, then turned on the heat.
It was ready to go when I returned home a little after 6 pm.
Our big plans for the evening was to clean the baseboards in the new/old house. I think I killed eight spiders and disposed of at least three spider baby pods. I don’t like spiders but after years of living by myself and with college roommates with arachnophobia, I’ve learned to deal with these kind of unpleasantries. We also gave our internal shutters a good scrubbing. I love them, although I plan to paint them all at some point. They are definitely one of the most charming things about our new/old house.
When I returned home around 9 pm, I caught up on Glee and snacked on this.
A snack bowl of pretzels and some dark chocolate edamame…so..darn…good. Brad had a second bowl of veggie lentil soup while mumbling between bites that it was awesome. I’ll take any complements I can get, as long as he saved me some for my lunch.
I’ve had the pajama pants in the photo since I was a freshman in college. The butt area is three shades lighter than the rest of them..not the most charming thing about my wardrobe. 😉