As we were leaving the wine festival on Saturday, we made a few purchases. Selling stuff at any festival centered around alcohol is genius. We bought a subscription to Our State Magazine, which is all about North Carolina. I always joke that I could be an NC tour guide because I’ve always lived here and vacationed here for the most part. Reading Our State can only make me more qualified.
I also bought three, (yes, three!) packages from Goodness Gracie, a bakery out of Wilmington, NC. They had a $15 credit card limit so went big after sampling enough to require us to make a purchase.
We bought:
-Sensational Cinnamon Toffee Cookies (my favorite!)
-Heavenly Toffee Cookies
-and Gone Nuts!, which has sesame crackers and nuts, of course
Here’s Joy and Wally sampling our Goodness Gracie’s cookies.
They should be professional food modelers. 🙂 See why we like hanging out with them?
We decided to walk to dinner before heading home and found ourself at Terrace Cafe. Brad and I went here for brunch the day after the wedding, but of course I didn’t post it because I was on blog-vacation.
Complimentary mini biscuits
with a bit of jalapeno jelly
Brad insisted I try another one with pimento cheese and jalapeno jelly.
Yum, good. Cheese makes everything better.
Funky water glass
We ordered an appetizer of fried green tomatoes with pimento cheese. I had one with some of the greenery. This was good, but Wally’s pimento cheese is my favorite.
Everyone but me ordered the 8 oz. prime rib with roasted vegetables and mashed potatoes.
I ordered the vegetarian plate with featured potatoes with microgreens, which reminded me of potatoes au gratin, asparagus, carrots, and tempura green beans. This was soooo good and buttery. Everything was delicious. I ate everything except about three bites of the potatoes and the end of the asparagus stalks. For some reason, I only like the leafy-ish ends.
We returned home and turned in at 10 pm like seniors citizens. I was dead tired from my very busy Saturday.