When I wasn’t sure if I was having a little boy or girl, my mind spinned at the girlie nursery things I saw online. What’s funny is that when it came to boy stuff, I’ve been very sure of what I wanted right from the get-go. Picking out boy stuff for me has been easy.
I was immediately drawn to a red, white, and blue(s) nautical theme and have been thinking about it ever since I saw the bedding below. In fact, the entire nursery has pretty much been created around the bedding. I just love it, so deciding to plan a nautical nursery was an easy decision.
Here are some of the nursery items we are purchasing or using for inspiration to create Baby E’s nursery. If you want to pin any of these ideas to Pinterest, use the link provided below each picture so you actually get the source of the photo.

Pin nautical bedding here.
This shop on Etsy has collections of patterns that can be used to create custom bedding. I’ll choose a different pattern for the skirt, sheets, bumper (2-sided) and any other bedding we decide to order.

Pin crib here.
I fell in love with a different crib from Pottery Barn but the difference in price between this crib from Target, that I like almost just as much, just couldn’t be beat. I don’t love the the “Poverty Barn” crib $500 more.

Pin distressed lamp here.
I love the look of distressed furniture and decor and this lamp from World Market will be perfect on the little table that will sit beside my rocker.

Pin lamp shade here.
Here’s the lamp shade I picked out to go with it, which is also from World Market.
Pin sailboat mobile here.
I pinned this mobile when I first started dreaming of a nautical themed nursery. Brad saw it and loved it, so we tracked it down and ordered it.

Pin Wingback Rocker here.
This has been the most expensive item thus far. But it makes sense to get a really nice rocker since I’ll be spending a lot of time in this chair. I was in love with it at first site. We cashed in some credit card points and used some leftover Pottery Barn gift cards, so that helped a lot with the cost.

Pin waves rug here.
This run is another thing that I pinned, but Brad found later by himself. Great minds think alike! It’s so whimsical and I just love it. It’s sitting rolled up in my living room right now.

Pin nautical prints here.
We plan to paint the walls an off white and then decorate them with fun nautical things like these prints.

Pin sailboat print here.

Pin mommy and baby whale print here.
This one is definitely my favorite.
I have a few more pieces of furniture that I’ve purchased to share, but I’ll save that for later, when the nursery comes together. We have guests in town this weekend, and then we’ll start removing our furniture from the guest room so we can transform the space into Baby E’s nursery. I’ll definitely share the final results when everything is complete.