I read somewhere that it’s super obnoxious when bloggers apologize after being absent from the blogosphere for 24 hours.
For me, it’s been 1 week and 3 days, so I think an apology is in order.
I don’t really have an excuse. I’ve just been consumed with other things. So let’s catch up. I’ve learned from my reader survey that a few of you appreciate my super random posts.
So get ready, because this going to be the random-est.

I’ve been rocking my Tom’s as much as feasibly possible.
After I ordered them online, they were MIA for over a month until UPS told me they hid them in the bushes in front of my house. I had no idea that I needed to crawl through my four feet tall bushes to retrieve packages. But now I know.

In the past week, I’ve eaten an entire box of Van’s Whole Wheat Waffles (my favorite!) in a variety of ways. This version was topped with Earth Balance, real maple syrup, pecans, paired with a side of juice grapefruit.

And this version was topped with sunflower butter and maple syrup.
I ate these before my 9 mile run which I struggled through.
In reality, I ran 8ish and walked a mile.
This run was reminiscent of my run last June where I was dizzy and hyperventilating (?). I blamed the humidity on this past awful run and I think the same culprit was behind this run as well. I think my body and lungs need some time to adjust to the humidity.
I attribute it to the additional moisture in the air. It’s almost like my lungs can’t suck down enough oxygen which leaves me audibly gasping for breath. And then there’s the dizziness. It’s far from pleasant.

Oh look. It’s another breakfast.
I went through a period in the past week where I ate oat bran multiple days in a row. This version was oat bran cooked with water, almond milk, and banana, topped with almond butter, raspberry jam, chia seeds, and cacao nibs (love!).

Rascal is adoring our back yard (as am I), but he’s quickly learned that I’ll rush to his rescue if he whimpers at the back door when he is ready to come in…which is usually three minutes after going out when it’s cold or rainy.

I made Guiness and Steak Pie for my Eat My Charlotte blog post this week. It was a celebratory meal for St. Patty’s Day and Brad really enjoyed it.

On Friday night we spent the evening at South Park mall where Brad bought the new iPad and I monopolized two salespeople at Sephora where I inquired about travel size perfume and retinol.
I’m a sucker for beauty products.
We ended up at Crunch! for dinner, where I had a free entree coupon.
It’s a made to order salad stand in the food court that also has wraps and sandwiches.

I ended up with this beauty.
Mixed greens with red peppers, red onions, portobello mushrooms, hardboiled eggs, avocado, and sunflower seeds
It’s not on the menu. This is my creation.
I love quick and easy healthy options so this was right up my alley.
We decided to see 21 Jump Street (Hilarious!) after our shopping.

But first, I gazed at the new Whole Foods that is yet to be finished.
Please don’t mind the drool on my chin. This Whole Foods is going to be fantastically huge and I can’t wait.

I spent Saturday running the aforementioned not-so-wonderful 9 miles and planting these beautiful snapdragons and hostas.
See? I’m not so horrible with plants and I can do more than mow the grass.

I’m very proud of my hard work.

In other news, spring hasn’t barely started and it seems more like summer in Charlotte. But I can’t complain. The flowers are gorgeous.

The cherry trees are my absolute favorite.

And I’m excited to finally have a few azaleas in my yard…more flowers planted after a Saturday afternoon spent at Lowes.

This happened Sunday night. Come back tomorrow and I’ll share what made this burger so exceptionally delicious.
Thanks for bearing with my random post and also for coming back after several days of my absenteeism.
I really love blogging but sometimes I just need a break. It helps me to come back more refreshed and ready to share more recipes and randomness. I hope you guys understand.
For more randomness, check out the Friday Feature on Healthy Living Blogs where I shared more random facts about myself.