I’m feeling more like myself lately. Thank you so much for those of you who have noticed and asked. It feels good to know people care.
I’m not feeling quite so overwhelmed. I’m taking things easy. Enjoying the little things, like…
Running into a friend while running and doubling my mileage talking to her.
A mom who will keep me company on the phone when I find myself two miles from home in the dark on foot.
Friends that we like so much we’re already planning “family vacations” with them.
My own little floppy eared teddy bear (Rascal) that snuggles with me every night.
Legs and feet that although neglected managed to run over 11 miles in two days.
A husband who strangers tell me is a catch (he really is).
And the silly things that I take pleasure in, like…
Finding my Tom’s outside behind our bushes that the UPS man cleverly hid over a month ago (thanks UPS).
Using Rascal’s toy squirrel as a cushion for my elbow when doing side plank crunches (it makes exercise slightly more entertaining as he tugs on its tail).
Realizing there is a new season of the Real Housewives of Orange County available for purchase on iTunes.
Finally making it to gold status at Starbucks.
Silly? Yes. But these things make me smile.

You know what else makes me smile?
Simple, uncomplicated recipes that are both healthy and yummy. You guys know I relish the simple over the complicated. I may pin six layer rainbow cake, but I have no intention of ever making it.
Give me some healthy whole foods, sweet and savory ingredients coming together with a citrus punch with a dash of spice. Yes, that makes me smile too.

Sweet Potato Black Bean Millet (serves 4 as an entree, 6-8 as a side)
1 cup millet
2 cups low sodium vegetable broth
1 medium sweet potato, cubed
1 jalapeno
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
2/3 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
juice of 2 limes
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
3/4 teaspoon cumin
In a medium sized pot add millet to broth and bring to a boil. Lower to a simmer and continue to cook until millet is fluffy and has absorbed almost all of the liquid.
Meanwhile, grease a large baking sheet with the oil. Place sweet potato on the pan. Slice jalapeno into rings, remove the seeds and place on pan beside sweet potato. Turn oven to broil on 500 degrees Farenheit and roast vegetables for 10 minutes. Remove jalapeno from the pan and set to the side. Place pan back into the oven and continue roasting for 10 additional minute or until sweet potato begins to brown.
Spoon millet into a large bowl. Add sweet potato and black beans. Chop jalapeno rings finely and add to millet with the cilantro, lime juice, salt and cumin. Stir well.
Serve warm or chilled.

I like this best warm over a big plate of spinach. The heat wilts the spinach a bit and everything is just so nice and filling. This is a dish you can definitely feel good about eating. But I know it tastes good chilled too because I couldn’t help but snag a few spoonfuls while I was waiting on my lunch to heat.
Here are a few more answers to the “Ask Me Anything” portion of my reader survey. I’ve really appreciated the response I’ve gotten thus far and hope you will take the survey, if you haven’t already. It’s quick and painless — I promise!
Have you gone out to look for other “opportunities” to write or have they come to you??
I have worked very hard to get the writing opportunities that I have. In almost every situation I have reached out to an editor and pitched an idea with no solicitation on their part. I have asked for opportunities to write far more times than I have been received favorably. For every writing gig I’ve gotten, I’ve probably sent an email to another editor that received no reply at least three times.
The only exception has been my blog writing gig with Creative Loafing. My editor there actually reads my blog and when I wrote about my New Years goal to be paid for my writing, she reached out to me. This was a first! Getting writing gigs is difficult, especially when you have no formal writing training and no formal writing experience besides a personal blog.
If writing is something you see yourself doing, write often and be open to blogging for free for at least a little while. Blogging for SavorNC Magazine worked out in my favor because I was willing to prove myself by blogging for free, which showed them I had what it takes to write a print article (which I was paid to write).
In other words, you have to pay your dues. And I’m still paying mine.
You post a lot of baby stuff on Pinterest… I think you know where I’m going with this 😉
I am not pregnant. But I am currently a little (maybe a lot) baby crazy. Having a baby is definitely on the horizon for Brad and I. However, we have a time frame in mind and it’s definitely not something we’re trying to accomplish right at this moment.
But if you know me, you know I like to plan for the future and dream of the good things to come in life, so I can’t help thinking of dainty little outfits and precious nurseries. And it’s not like I could escape it if I wanted to — my first two weekends this month are devoted to out-of-town baby showers. So when in Rome…
Now, I’m off to do the massive amount of laundry that just refuses to do itself and maybe distract myself with a little Real Housewives.
Have a wonderful evening!