Confession #1:
I’m an extremely visual person, which means if you tell me directions verbally, I’ll stare blankly at you like your speaking Chinese, then get lost because I’m too ashamed to say I’m listening challenged.
But, if I write something down — even something obscure like a phone number — I will be able to recite it back to you three days later.
Confession #2:
I’m in a poor mood today. I’m not sad, not angry, not stressed…

There. That’s how I feel.
I hope you are visual too.
But just making that collage made me somehow feel a little better.
Confession #3:
I lost Thursday’s photo of Operation Veg-ful Lunch. Well, not lost per se, but I accidentally deleted it in a deleting photo frenzy. My card reader is full and so is my schedule, which equals moments of frenzy. Just picture the right side of this plate over a bed of tat soi + crackers and a pear.
But I have a photo of today’s lunch – the last lunch in Operation Veg-ful Lunch: a can of Annie’s vegetable barley mixed with 1/2 block of TJ’s savory pre-baked tofu that I sliced and a big handful of tat soi (Asian spinach), plus Kashi crackers, and a pear.
Confession #4:
Sometimes I think I suck at blogging. Exhibit 1: Confession #3. Exhibit 2: I use eloquent language like “I suck at blogging.”
But sometimes it makes me so happy to get my thoughts down on paper WordPress and nothing beats an encouraging comment from a reader, so I keep plugging along.
Confesion #5:
I kind of hate tat soi.
But I keep eating it because it keeps ending up in my CSA box. I wonder if I could stomach it in a smoothie.
Confession #6:
I ate a Twix and drank a Diet Dr. Pepper for my afternoon snack. How’s that for a healthy snack?
But it was absolutely imperative to my happiness.
Confession #7:
I would make every Friday “Confession Friday”, but I’m pretty sure I would eventually confess something regrettable or shame my entire family.
But that might not be enough to stop me. 😉
Happy Friday.
Any confessions you need to get off your chest?