Baby carrots are weird

Lunch today was a wonderful mix of colors, textures, and tastes.

I bought purple and green endive for the first time this weekend and stuffed them which I filled with some Thai green curry chicken salad. Spicy!

I also had some slightly unsightly browning avocado and a Laughing Cow on toast.  I assure you, it was might tasty, despite it’s appearance.  Red bell pepper slices and baby carrots rounded out my meal.

Is it just me, or do baby carrots seem kind of weird to anyone else?  You know how they make them don’t you?  They take the unsightly carrots and whittle them down until they look like baby carrots.  I like whole carrots, with their skin left on, much much better.  But these were free and I’m cheap.

This orange was supposed to be a part of my afternoon snack, but I just couldn’t resist.  I’m going to be a little sad when navel oranges aren’t in season any more.  But I’m sure the warm weather will soothe my sadness. 😉

You’ll be happy to know that Brad is still working on ideas for his blog.  And in case you’re wondering, the answer was “Yes, it is”.  🙂


This is really fun!  My boss (well, one of them) sent me this link to two media players that play five seconds of every song to ever go #1 (in two parts). I loved it!  It reminds me of this little game I like to play with myself I call, “I know every song on the radio”.  In this game, I flip through radio stations and if I know four out of every five, I win.

Don’t judge me! I spend a lot of time in the car! 😉

The second player is the best because it has the 80’s and the early 90’s #1 hits.  I had to restrain myself from busting out with some Whitney Houston in my very quite office environment.  And now I’m off to buy Wilson Phillips – Greatest Hits.


Don’t forget to enter my Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil Hair Treatment giveaway!