A loss

Yesterday after work, I hopped in the car, already dressed in workout clothes so I could head immediately to the gym once I arrived home.  I munched on a PB&J Larabar in the car (I always eat an afternoon snack but don’t usually post it) so I wouldn’t be ravenous during my treadmill run.

My marathon training plan called for five miles and I felt good…for the first 3 1/2 miles.  Then, my stomach started killing me.  The gym was so busy, I did not want to get off the treadmill.  I knew that I would surely lose my machine if I stopped to go to the restroom.  But, my stomach won out and I took a five minute break.  When I headed back to the gym, sure enough, my treadmill was taken.  I hopped on the elliptical for about eight minutes before another treadmill opened up.  I was starting to feel really hungry and tired, so I counted my distance on the elliptical and finished up the last mile on the treadmill.

My stomach felt perfectly fine during the second half of my workout, but to be honest, it’s been very strange ever since my marathon.  A doctor recommended that I go on probiotics and I’ve been trying them out for the past week.  I’ve decided to up my dosage (you can take up to three a day and I’ve only been taking one), so we’ll see if that helps.

Last night was the UNC vs. Duke game and I was a little bummed out about it.  We shut off our cable to save money, so my only option for watching it was to go somewhere.  Unfortunately the game started at 9 pm.  I usually go to bed around 9:30-10, so being the grandma needing plenty of sleep responsible adult that I am, I resolved that I wouldn’t be able to see it.  I consoled myself with this beer I found in my fridge, while I made myself dinner.

Brad had plans to work on a project with a friend, so I cooked dinner for one.

While running, I changed my mind at least four times about what I wanted to eat, but when I walked in from the gym, I smelled turkey bacon from Brad’s dinner and all bets were off.

I toasted the last bagel thin, made a perfect egg, nuked some turkey bacon and put it all together with a Laughing Cow.

I also roasted some parsnips and fennel bulb.

A lot of ketchup was involved.

I concluded dinner with not one, but two pieces of Lindt 70% cocoa dark chocolate.  Just what the doctor ordered. 😉

I made my lunch for the next day, headed to bed super early, and read some of the book I started last month.  I’m reading Little Bee, which is very interesting.  I don’t usually have so much trouble picking up a book that I’m into, but I’ve been slacking in the reading department lately.  There’s a lot of things competing for my attention in my life right now,  but it was so nice to turn off the TV, step away from the computer (Thanks Teri!), and snuggle up with Rascal and a good book.

When Brad got home long after I had turned off the lights and closed my eyes, I immediately rolled over and said, “Did we win!?”.

Sadly, we did not.  🙁

But you can’t keep us down…

UNC is still #1 in my book and Dook still sucks.

We’re coming for you on March 5 and I’ll be adjusting my schedule accordingly.