Better with time

Why is anything with curry so much better the longer it sits in the fridge?  I guess that is true for all dishes with a lot of spice.  *Think* Italian food.

For lunch today, I took most of the leftovers from Saturday’s lunch and added about a cup of nuked broccoli, plus a dollop of Greek yogurt.

Curry and yogurt are a match made in heaven.

I added two sliced kiwis on the side.  Yum, skin.

Since planning out my workouts in advance worked so well for me last week, I’m going to give it another go this week. Here’s my plan for the week:

Monday: Run 4.5 miles
Tuesday: Run 5 miles with Brittney + 30 day Shred Level 1
Wednesday: No More Trouble Zones
Thursday: Run 6 miles
Friday: Cardio + 30 Day Shred Level? (we’ll see)
Saturday: Run 16 miles