Thank you for being patient with me as I sporadically post when I have an available moment. Life is crazier than usual for me right now, so the moment I have available are few and far between. And the moments where I can switch focus to actually write is even fewer and farther between.
My WIAW covers about 85% of what I actually ate, but I’ll make it up to you with two completely unnecessary photos of oatmeal oat bran.
Breakfast –
Oat bran, egg whites, sliced banana, almond butter, apple butter, coffee with soy creamer
Eaten with my dainty little wooden mixing spoon.
Melty deliciousness
My oat bran was more lumpy than cream, but I’ll take it either way.
Lunch was the tastiest sandwich I have eaten in a long time.
Between two pieces of toasted Ezekiel bread, I put tofu marinated in Brad’s special mustard sauce overnight and baked, then TJ’s edamame hummus, avocado, and mizuna.
Mizuna is a lot like arugula, but slightly less peppery. I <3 mizuna. After trying it out for the past two weeks thanks to my CSA, it is now my favorite lettuce.
I also had an apple, but when I tried to take a photo of it, someone walked into my office at work. How embarrassing.
Look what my best friend Candace sent me! They arrived right after lunch. Aren’t they gorgeous? She sent them to say thanks for helping throw her 30th birthday party last Saturday. How incredibly sweet!
Okay, so maybe I didn’t eat these, but they’re too beautiful not to include in WIAW. They’re so fragrant and eye-popping. I’ve received compliments on them from everyone who has walked by my office.
Totally made my day!
After work I had a rice cake with this really delicious artichoke spread on one half and spicy lentil dip on the other half, plus a dried fig.
Dinner was a Middle Eastern feast. Brad had a craving for kabobs so we headed over to Kabob Grill on East Blvd after picking up our CSA goodies. I was having a hard time deciding between tabouleh, baba ganoush, and falafel, so I decided to get the vegetarian platter and stuff myself silly with Middle Eastern food.
Oh em gee.
If there was ever an appropriate time to use the phrase that people love to hate, it is now.
So incredibly good. I even had enough to make a solid lunch the next day. I made a big salad out of all of this with more mizuna and sliced tomatoes. Of course, my favorite was the stuffed grape leaves (top left corner), which was eaten immediately. It didn’t stand a chance.