The nursery is finally 100% done! We have had everything we need for a while, but I was waiting for the finishing touch (the oar over the crib) to show it to everyone. I’m going to keep my words short and sweet on this post and let the photos tell the story of my baby boy’s nautical nursery.
If you have any questions about where I got something specific, please leave a comment! I’m happy to reveal my sources.
So here it is…the product of a lot of work and the most fun I’ve ever had decorating a room.

Love it! So cute!
That is adorable! I love it 🙂
Super cute! Love it.. great job!
Looks so great! I especially love that blue dresser you’re using as his changing table!
Super sweet!!!! Love it all! Especially the dresser, rocking horse and rug!! Such an exciting time!
I love the red accents! I bet it’s hard to believe a little someone will be LIVING there soon!
Cute! Where are the dresser and rug frmo?
The rug is from Rosenberry Rooms and the dresser is from a place in Charlotte called Metrolina Expo that has antique dealers on the weekends once a month. It’s from the 1930’s and was already painted that color when I got it. It also came with a mirror that was a little too girly so I stored it in the attic. It was the same price as the crappy dressers at the Salvation Army so I feel like I got it for a steal.
Aside from the fact that I can’t seem to type, I totally meant crib, not dresser (though the dresser is cute too!)
That’s easier! The crib came from Target and I love that it has a drawer underneath for storage.
Here’s the crib —
Kelly, it’s SO cute! Love it!
This is so insanely adorable! Great job! Where did you get the chair? I like that it’s not a glider but still looks really comfortable for nursing.
Seriously adorable. That knitted horse takes the cake!
Terrific job you’ve done ! Cute decors. Hope he doesn’t get seasick! Lol 😀
Where did you buy his baby bedding?
We had it made on Etsy. Here is the link to the Etsy Shop —
and the mobile? i love the room by the way!!
Thanks! Here is the link to where we purchased the mobile —
Love! Where is the chair from?
Pottery Barn. Thanks! 🙂