This past Saturday I ran for the first time since becoming pregnant. You know that old adage, go big or go home? Yeah, well my first run after an over three month long hiatus also happened to be 5K.
For the past three years, Tanya has invited me to participate in a 5K for her birthday, but this was the first year that it actually worked. Never mind that I hadn’t actually ran but maybe once since this past Thanksgiving. When I set my mind to do something, I can be pretty stubborn (ask my husband). And I could always walk the race if need be.
The morning started off with a little rain/snow. As I drove north to Huntersville for the 5K I thought, “I did not sign up for this.” Luckily, when I arrived at Birkdale Village (a shopping center where the race started), the precipitation had stopped. But unlucky for me, I somehow got my wires crossed and ended up walking at least a mile around Birkdale Village looking for Tanya who was in the building just beside the parking lot where I had parked. Doh. At least I got a warm-up in.
When the race started I felt surprisingly good. Tanya stuck with me and as we went over a few small inclines, but then I began to feel like my legs just couldn’t keep going at that pace. So we slowed and walked up several of the inclines, especially the big one near the end. But if I had to guess, we ran 85% of the race and both finished with a time of 33:43.
As far as I’m concerned, that’s not too shabby for a 14 week pregnant girl who hasn’t ran in over three months. I was really pleased that I was able to run so much of the race, but know that part of it was having Tanya’s company to keep me entertained. We don’t see each other much, so there’s always plenty to talk about when we do get together. I really appreciated having her there, when I’m pretty certain she could have left me in the dust.
I rewarded myself after the race with a whole wheat bagel, cream cheese, and smoked salmon (that was heated). This breakfast is a great motivation to run a 5K. I’m all about salt right now.
For more race photos and obligatory cute photos of Tanya’s four month old baby girl, Eleanor, check out Tanya’s post on the race.
Congrats, Kelly! That’s a huge accomplishment!
Thanks Lauren! 🙂
Awesome job! I’ve been really reluctant to sign up for too many races because we’re trying to conceive and I don’t know how I’ll feel about running once that time comes. I don’t want to keep hesitating so maybe I’ll just sign up anyways and see how things go along the way. 🙂
I know exactly what you mean. I have plenty of friends who have ran races, especially the first half of their pregnancy. But I’ve had friends who are runners who had a lot of pelvic pressure and wasn’t able to run comfortably. You’ll never really know how you’re going to feel until you’re there. But I would go for it, at least for one race, and if it’s not too expensive. When the time comes, if you can’t run it, you’ll probably be so excited about being pregnant, you won’t care that the money went to waste. 🙂
Congrats! I really wanted to run a race each trimester, but I’m such a baby about cold weather. 🙂
You don’t sound like a baby. That’s very ambitious! I didn’t run one in my first trimester so I guess I won’t be doing that. 😉
Awesome job 🙂
Way to go girl – that’s awesome, for a pregnant lady or not! I definitely am stubborn too and will follow through with something if my mind is set on doing it, it doesn’t matter what anyone says to try and convince me otherwise 😛
Thanks! I think I’m even more stubborn if someone acts like I can’t do it. 😉