Last month I signed up for Foodie Pen Pals, a fun way to share and receive all kinds of interesting foods.
Foodie Pen Pals was started by Lindsay at the Lean Green Bean Blog over a year ago. Basically, thousands of people (not just bloggers) sign up to participate. When you sign up, you are assigned one person to send a package, but you will receive a package from a different person.
I was assigned RoseAnn, who blogs at two different blogs I‘m at Home Baking and Social Frog. Rose’s family currently lives in Japan where her husband is serving in the Navy.
So she sent me a TON of packaged Japanese treats!
I was surprised by the shear amount of goodies she sent me. Although, I have to admit, since I don’t speak one bit of Japanese, I was a bit aprehensive about opening up all the unidentifiable packages…oh, for about two seconds….and then I jumped right in.
Here are a few of the things Rose sent me.

Shortbread cookies with a thin chocolate center

These are the Japanese version of Hot Fries. They taste and look exactly the same.

Peppery cheese

Cute little utensils with smiley faces on the handle