Did you know that you can (patiently) make “sun” dried tomatoes in the oven?
I absolutely adore the sweet and pungent concentrated flavor of sun dried tomatoes, so I am so excited that I can make these tasty little bites all by myself without investing in a dehydrator. All you need are some ripe tomatoes (I used Lipman Roma tomatoes), your oven set on a low heat (200-300 degrees F) and plenty of time. It took these little guys about 3 1/2 hours total to completely dry out, so yes, patience is a virtue when you’re making oven-dried tomatoes.

There are only about a million and one things you can do with oven-dried tomatoes, but I chose to put mine in a crustless quiche.

I adore egg bakes and crustless quiches. They’re just so easy and you can use absolutely any cheese, vegetable, or herb in your fridge and the results are always amazing.

What is even more amazing is that my husband who claims to not like quiche, thought this was pretty fantastic. I’m sure it did not hurt a bit that I put tons of fresh basil from my herb garden (which he loves).

Which just goes to show that as long as you like eggs, you can find a way to make a quiche just right for your tastebuds. Quiche is not just for brunching ladies with doily clothed tables and china tea cups.

Quiche can be hearty, satisfying, and maybe even a bit manly.

For this hearty and delicious crustless quiche recipe, check it out over at the Lipman Produce website.
*I was compensated for developing this recipe and the ingredients used in its development by Lipman Produce. All ideas expressed by myself, my husband, and another manly friend who inhaled his share of quiche are solely our own.