…as if I couldn’t get more random.
Have you seen the 12 Random Facts floating around the blog world? If not, you must read way more serious blogs that I do, because I’ve seen it some umpteen times.
I secretly LOVE reading random facts about the bloggers I follow because we all feel like we really know the people who pen the blogs we love, right? So it’s fun to know even more random things about them.
Ashley recently tagged me to participate in the 12 random facts and I knew I needed to jump right on it. I’ve totally dropped the ball on these things before. #lame
If you’re tagged, these are the rules:
- Post these rules.
- You must post 12 random things about yourself.
- Answer the questions set for you in their post.
- Create 12 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
- Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them.
- No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 12 (or so) people.
Here are my 12 random things.
1. I pretend I don’t like cats as a coping mechanism since I’m highly allergic to them. But have come to terms with the fact that I really don’t hate them, which is obvious after trying to lure one into staying in my backyard this morning with an open can of tuna.
If you have a cat missing in the Dilworth area, I don’t know anything.
2. Brad thinks I have a good singing voice and asks me to go out to sing karaoke at least once a week. I am terribly afraid of the thought of singing in front of a crowd of people, so he hasn’t gotten me to do it yet.
3. My favorite album of all time is a toss up between Sarah McLaughlin’s Surfacing and Fumbling Towards Ecstasy. I was a bit too young to go to Lilith Fair without parental accompaniment, but if I ever get a chance to see her in concert as an adult, I’m all over that.
4. This commercial makes me cry. Every. time. I. see. it.
And then my mom randomly emails it to me months after I saw it for the first time and tells me that the baby looks a lot like me when I was a baby.
5. Horses and me don’t get along. I’m allergic and I fell off one when I was 12 and broke my arm. That’s not a new fact here on the blog, but I don’t think I mentioned that I have this weird hard lump (about the size of a dime) on my humerus — a calcium deposit that formed when the bone healed. Brad thinks it’s so weird.
6. I got in trouble in pre-school when I was 4 for kissing a boy.
7. My first dog (lady) had puppies when I was five and they all died. My parents told me they sold them and I didn’t find out this was a lie until about three years ago.
8. I really think Rascal is the cutest, smartest dog there is and I really don’t know what I would do without him. I was completely committed to getting another dog once we moved into our house, but now I’m not so sure. He really likes being the center of attention and one day that will change. I don’t want to ruin the last month…years…of him being our only baby.

9. I’ve never been into a Lululemon. Shocking, I know?
10. When I got married, I couldn’t part with any of my names. So my name is Kelly Michelle Pasour Davis.
11. I can’t watch scary moves. I just can’t do it. I’m a scaredy cat.
12. I’m blogging during the Super Bowl and all I really care about is that Madonna sings her old stuff and none of her new stuff.
Are ya with me?
And now the questions that Ashley asked….
1. What is your favorite piece or item of clothing?

Right now, it’s gotta be these boots. I can’t get enough of them.
2. Favorite movie of all time?
I really can’t pick just one. Some of my favorites: Clueless, When Harry Met Sally, Gone with the Wind, Love and Basketball, Father of the Bride, I could go on and on.
I determine if something is one of my favorites if it’s something I can watch multiple times. Most of the time once is good enough for me.
3. Sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise — I’m an early bird.
4. Breakfast for dinner — yay or nay?
YAY? Breakfast is wonderful any time of the day.
5. What is the last book you read that you would recommend?
Room. A little disturbing, very intriguing. So glad I ready it.
I’m currently reading Sarah’s Keys and it’s been very good too.
6. What is one fitness goal you would like to achieve?
I would love to be able to do 20 pushups in a row. Right now, I can do 12, which is still quite an accomplishment for me.
7. What made you start blogging?
I had recently started reading tons of blog and felt like I had discovered this whole new world of healthy living. I was starting to incorporate a lot of things I had learned in my own life.
Meanwhile, I had been cooking a lot for the past few years and Brad always complained that I never wrote anything down and couldn’t replicate the recipes he loved. Brad was also traveling a lot and I was looking for things to do with my time.
I thought blogging would be a wonderful way to 1) have a creative way to keep busy, 2) have a voice in the blogging community that I had fallen in love with, and 3) keep record of my recipes.
Sorry, that was a long story.
8. What was the first blog you started reading?
Roni’s Weigh and then Kath Eats Real Food
9. What is the best vacation place you have been to?
Italy. Not a tough decision.
10. Favorite health food trend or “blog food”?

11. Favorite type of ethnic cuisine (i.e., Thai, Chinese, Indian, etc.)?
Is French considered ethnic? Probably not. How about Thai then? Let’s go with Thai. 🙂
12. Did you have a favorite teacher in school?
My favorites: Ms. Gerald in 3rd grade and it’s a toss up between Ms. Young (12th grade AP English) and Mr. Carpenter (12th grade AP U.S. History) in high school.
Edited to add –> Oh yeah, I’m supposed to come up with 12 questions on my own. #fail
1. Who was your first kiss and how old were you?
2. If you could be in the Olympics, what sport would you choose?
3. How did you find out that Santa isn’t real?
4. If you had to eat one breakfast for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
5. If you could rename yourself, what name would you choose (it can’t be your actual name)?
6. Are you a dog person or a cat person and why?
7. What’s your favorite book of all time?
8. What song most reminds you of high school?
9. Fill in the blank. I can’t face the day without ____________.
10. Choose one: Valentine’s Day is a fun way to celebrate love OR Valentine’s Day is totally overrated.
11. Currently, what is your favorite television show?
12. How long does your makeup routine take?
And now is when I tag 12 other people to do this.
1. April at theaprilblake.com
2. Ali at lifesabowl.com
3. Christine at bookishlyboisterious.blogspot.com
4. Lee at inmytummy.com
5. Brynn at balancingb.com
6. Heather at girlyeverafter.com
7. Victoria at runningpeanut.com
8. Carolina at peasinablog.com
9. Elle at thecollegegirlsguidetolife.blogspot.com
10. Jordan at ciao-cow.com
11. Tanya at veganfaith.com
12. Casey at hippiehealthnut.com
I did it a few days ago, only mine was 11 things! I’ll answer your questions though:
1. This really old University of Vermont hoodie that’s too big and ratty.
2. Not sure
3. Sunset
4. I prefer dinner for dinner and really, dinner for breakfast
5. Poser – My Life in 23 Poses. Yeah, it was good.
6. I’d like to do a sub 2:10 half-marathon
7. I started training for a marathon and wanted to write about it. Then after the race, I realized that I liked blogging so I switched to In My Tummy because my old blog name didn’t apply anymore.
8. Kath Eats
9. Maui
10. Nutritional Yeast
11. Asian (I know, that’s pretty vague)
12. Mr. Patrick, my 6th grade teacher. I was the last class to have 6th grade in the elementary school. They made it part of middle school the next year.
I think I’ve done this before too. It was hard to think of new things. Oh you don’t like breakfast for breakfast? I’m not sure if we can be friends any more. I’m totally kidding, but I really do love breakfast for any-time-of-day. Thanks for participating! 🙂
1. Who was your first kiss and how old were you? I was a late bloomer, my first kiss was with my first boyfriend, Mitch, at 15 years old!
2. If you could be in the Olympics, what sport would you choose? The 100 meter hurdles, another high school love of mine.
3. How did you find out that Santa isn’t real? My cousin and I watched my parents and grandparents unloading the car from the window! I don’t remember it being this Godawful moment like some parents act like it would be though.
4. If you had to eat one breakfast for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Hash browns covered in cheese.
5. If you could rename yourself, what name would you choose (it can’t be your actual name)? Probably another hippie dippie name like Daffodil.
6. Are you a dog person or a cat person and why? Dogs, because cat’s don’t give a flying flip what you do or how you feel!
7. What’s your favorite book of all time? This is going to sound weird, but I love Forrest Gump.
8. What song most reminds you of high school? Millions of Peaches by the Presidents of the United States.
9. Fill in the blank. I can’t face the day without COFFEE IN THE MORNING!
10. Choose one: Valentine’s Day is a fun way to celebrate love OR Valentine’s Day is totally overrated. It’s a fun way to celebrate love, but the husband sees it as the latter, so it’s a total wash in the Blake house usually!
11. Currently, what is your favorite television show? How I Met Your Mother
12. How long does your makeup routine take? 5 minutes on days on don’t care (aka concealer, brushing my eyebrows, moisturizer, no eye makeup other than mascara) and 10-15 on days that I do care!
Thanks for tagging me, Kelly, great questions!
I think I had a 9-10 year hiatus after that troublesome kiss in pre-school. 😉 After reading the rest of your questions, I’m pretty sure we’re the same person, except Peaches came out when I was in 7th grade.
Yeah, Peaches came out when I was in 6th grade, but for some reason my friends and I LOVED it. 🙂 Peaches COME FROM A CAN they were put there BY A MAN in a factory dowwwwntooooowoooownnn!
Thanks for tagging me! I am going to do mine as a post! 🙂
That makes it much more fun. 🙂
Thanks for tagging me! I’m posting mine tonight 😀
2 more random facts about Kelly. She is undefeated in Mall Madness, and when she was a kid, she used to be the “Dog Catcher” in the board game Pound Puppies
^ Brad signed in as me.