It’s What I Ate Wednesday…
…and by what I ate, I mean, what I have been eating here and there, not necessarily in a comprehensive day. Thank you, short-term memory for failing me once again as I tried to photograph a whole day of eating.
Let’s pretend I remembered to photograph everything I ate for a whole 24 hours.
It’s fun to make believe.
Breakfast –
Pumpkin smoothie in a bowl with Cascadian Farms chocolate granola and coffee.
I used a bit of concentrated NuNaturals Stevia powder to sweeten it a bit. The only problem is I have lost my eensy teensy little scooper so I guessed the serving size when I put a miniscule pinch in my smoothie.
This smoothie was much too sweet.
I wasn’t feeling very chipper this morning so I used one of the Amazing Grass packets I got in my HLS swag bag.
Between the wheatgrass or the coffee, I managed to get to work in one piece.
Snack –
Mid-morning I had one of the Odwalla Banana Nut bars, I scored from my HLS swag bag.
Lunch –
An old favorite.
Sardine salad on toast.
I know, I know, it’s not for everyone. But I really like it.
I would have liked it better if if the plasticware container would not have leaked leaving my lunchbox smelling like Rascal’s breath fishy.
I paired my fishy toast with a salad: spinach, tomatoes, avocado, artichoke hearts., squeeze of lime, and a drizzle of honey.
Snack –
An apple I meant to eat after lunch but left at home. I walked home to let Rascal out after lunch, retrieved my apple, and ate this later at my desk.
Dinner –
Sweet potato gnocchi with portobella mushrooms and onions cooked in dark beer, bacon, and roasted red peppers. My my, this was tasty with a side of roasted okra.
You can expect the recipe for this soon. It was too good to keep to myself.
What do you like to pretend? Sometimes when I’m running, I like to preocupy my mind by pretending I can buy any house on a street, so I look at them carefully as I pass so I can “buy” the perfect one. I get to “buy” another on the next street.
When I was a little girl, I used to pretend that Barbie was running away from Ken, who was a “bad guy”. Barbie had to pack up the Corvette with all of her belongings, Skipper, and her baby.
I’ve always had an active imagination. That, or my grandmother let me watch too many Lifetime movies.