Someone whose week is creeping by just rolled their eyes, I know. That’s usually my week too, but this week seems to be flying by.
Here’s what I ate for What I ate Wednesday…
Breakfast –
Cinnamon puffins with walnuts, bananas, raspberries, raisins, and skim milk. Plus coffee in my big ol’ Foodie Fresh mug.
I swear there is cereal under there somewhere.
Lunch –
I had lunch in the office, but managed to run out and grab something delicious from The Roots Food Truck.
This is a roasted chicken with cukes and onions in some sort of creamy dressing wrapped in a pita. On the side I had their cuke and tomato salad, which also has red onions and some kind of vinaigrette.
While chatting with Root staff and melting under the blistering sun, I learned that someone recently STOLE (!) the Harvest Moon Food Truck.
My first and second reaction:
1 – I’m losing my faith in humanity.
2 – Where’s Batman when we need him?
I also had an office cupcake that I ate before even considering taking a photo. It was delightfully buttery yellow cake with a nice cloud of sugary heaven perched on top…the kind that makes my head spin a little with sweet goodness.
Okay, maybe my head was spinning because my blood sugar spiked.
Dinner –
Dinner was simple: filet mignon cooked on the grill pan with plenty of sea salt and fresh ground pepper, roasted okra, and baked sweet potato fries.
Dessert –
Two squares of TJ’s dark chocolate bar with toffee, walnuts, and pecans.
This stuff is good.
Let me be clear: this stuff is GOOD.
Not just kinda good, but WOW good. Like, “get yourself to TJ’s right now and buy this” good.
All you Trader Joe’s lovers out there: what is favorite, most recent TJ’s find?