Best kind of lunch

Today was another blustery day in Charlotte.  I had the best kind of lunch plans: lunch with friends.

Specifically, Brittney

…showing off a really good looking PB & J sandwich.

…and Josie.

…who was rocking the wind blown look.

It was mighty chilly in the wind but thank goodness we had a little veranda right outside the Ritz Carlton to protect us from the crazy gusts of wind pumping through Uptown.

Our friend Sarah also joined us, but arrived a little late and missed the photo opt.

I packed up a super quick and easy can of Annie’s minestrone and an orange.  Soup never looks good in a plastic ware container.  It just doesn’t.

I also packed some Kashi crackers and a hard boiled egg.  I finally have discovered the secret for perfect microwaved hard boiled eggs: a teaspoon of vinegar and a dash of salt. Just cover your egg with water in a microwave safe container and add a bit of vinegar and salt.  I actually didn’t measure any of this.

This was no discovery from my own experimentation.  I Googled “hard boiled egg microwaved” this morning to see how many minutes it would need (8 minutes) and found this lovely piece of advice.  My egg turned out perfect and the shell didn’t cling to the egg whites as it usually does when I attempt to boil it in the microwave.

It was fun to meet these ladies for lunch, but then our fun was over and it was back to work.

It’s almost Friday!  Hang in there!

I’m looking forward to the weekend, but am not happy about this weather forecast.  :/