Waffle wonderful

I woke up pretty sore this morning from the strength training I did yesterday and completely forgot to mention here.  Sorry guys, my brain has been spinning lately.  I weight train and do yoga pretty regularly so I was surprised that some free weights circuit I threw together while watching Grey’s Anatomy would make me hurt so good the next day.

I didn’t do my training run yesterday so I made sure to get it in this morning. I didn’t feel like doing hills so I set the incline on 1.0 and varied my speed, going up by 0.2 every two minutes from 6.2-7 mph, then starting all over again.  My time was not too shabby.

Enter breakfast and a glorious cup of coffee.  I’ve been reading lately about a lot of people giving up coffee entirely, but I don’t think I would ever want to to do that.  One cup a day with breakfast makes me so happy. 🙂

I made a delicious tower of goodness for breakfast: two WW Van’s waffles sandwiching 1/2 a sliced and grilled banana, topped with Greek yogurt, crumbly raw almond coconut butter, chia seeds, and two kiwis.

Grilled bananas smell like heaven and taste twice as good.

Fried chicken and waffles are so overrated, but waffles and grilled bananas are incredible!

Have a lovely day!


Don’t forget to check out Katie’s bake sale to raise money for her volunteer trip to Nicaragua!  You know you want to try some of my chocolate coconut date truffles! 😉