Green butta’

I had a tough time deciding on breakfast this morning.  I packed a big salad for lunch so I knew I needed some carbs at breakfast or I would be suffering from lack of energy by the afternoon.  After last night’s pizza party, I also knew I didn’t want breakfast to be all about the carbs.  I needed to balance whatever I ate with some protein.

I settled on a toasted English Muffin with a Laughing Cow, avocado, and a perfect egg.  I also had an orange on the side.

The avocado I bought last weekend turned out to be one of the most beautiful avocados I’ve seen in a long time.  It was perfectly velvety in texture and taste.  They don’t call this vegan butter for nuthin’.  I was very generous with the amount I slabbed onto my English muffin.

I’ve been drinking hot lemon water every morning, then rinsing out my mug to pour in my coffee.  I think a seed was left behind in this cup, but it didn’t ruin my coffee.

In other news, I schedule a doctor’s appointment for Brad today so a Sports and Medicine doctor can check out his knee.  I’m really hoping for a quick and easy solution so he can get back to marathon training with no pain.  Sunday’s run was the last straw for him and he finally got serious about needing to seek medical attention.  Cross your fingers for a positive diagnosis.  This weather is too beautiful to waste on not running!


If you have heard about the book Cinderella Ate my Daughter or read the Newsweek article I referenced a few weeks ago, you should check out this post Overthinking Girls.  If you think you might ever have a daughter and could ever possibly worry about the role media plays in their life, then this is a must-read for you.  I think the author offers a breath of fresh air on the topic.