Post 20 mile eating and then some

What can you eat after running 20 miles?

Anything you darn well please, that’s what.

After my 20 mile run yesterday, Brad and I broke into this bag of tortilla chips and put a hurting on it, to say the least (that’s southern for “we ate a lot of them”).

We also partook in some salsa and Wally’s homemade pimento cheese.  Don’t tell my grandmother that Wally’s pimento cheese is my absolute favorite.  It has just the right ratio of cheese to mayo:  a whole lotta cheese and just a tiny bit of mayo.

I also made a carnita burrito and ate the whole thing plus 1/4 of Brad’s.

Then there were Corona Lights because we’re on vacation and that means beer at lunch.  🙂


Today, I was unpleasantly surprised to find that I had left my camera battery charger at home and my camera was dead.

I drove all the way to the closest Best Buy in Chesapeake, Virginia to buy a very expensive battery charger + at least five other attachments that I didn’t need but came with it.  Ug.

Before lunch, I made two pecan pies, upon request of my mother-in-law, Joy.  It feels so nice to have someone ask me to make something for them.  🙂 (These photos are before the pies were baked.)

For lunch, we had shrimp steamed in Old Bay.

I also made a salad to go with my shrimp.  I had about a million shrimp.  If I didn’t have to shell them before I ate them, I would eat about two million.  Yes, there is a koozie on the table.

Now I’m off to make Christmas Even dinner, which I just volunteered to cook.  I’m going to do something simple because the serious cooking will start tomorrow.