Lox and locks

First, let’s start with the lox.

Isn’t she beautiful?  I made her myself.

Lox, Tofutti, and spinach on a Trader Joe’s sandwich thin.

There’s something about the saltiness of smoke salmon and the creaminess of cream cheese, er, I mean Tofutti that just goes so well together.

On the side: a generous amount of TJ’s organic humus + cukes, cherry tomatoes, and carrots.

I didn’t realize this morning when I ate my apple at 10 am that I didn’t pack any other fruit for my lunch.

I was planning on eating this Z Bar pre-run on my drive home, but I ended up eating it for lunch dessert.  I tried half of one for the first time on Monday morning before I worked out.  Sometimes I want something small and most bars are  much bigger, so these are great to have around.  Z Bars aren’t just for kids in motion.  They’re for adults in motion those of us sitting on our butts for eight hours at our desks, too.


Now onto locks.

Folks, I am  having a bad hair week.  My hair no longer looks like this…

…as it did when I first got it cut on my honeymoon.

After three months of growing, it looks more like this:


I kid you not, the ends of my hair do kind of look like this.

I want to grow it out again.  I’m tired of wrestling it with ball caps and bobby pins when I exercise, but I’m going to have to get a cut for my hair to look healthier.  I’m counting down the seconds until I visit the salon on Friday.  Hopefully, my stylist can figure out what to do with my mop of hair.

Fun with fractions: As of 12:30 pm today, I’m 3/5 of the way through my work week.