Lunch was packed in a mad rush this morning. I think I lost a few brain cells, along with all of my electrolytes at yoga last night, so packing lunch completely slipped my mind.
I fell back on nutty sweet potato soup and grabbed a blueberry Chobani and an apple.
I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again, a dollop of plain yogurt makes this soup really pop.
So…I had a phone screening today for a job opening. I don’t mention this a lot but although I am employed, I’ve been looking for a job since last March (my employer is completely supportive of this). I’m trying to keep my fingers crossed but not all of my hopes tied up in this one job. I will hear back from them next Wednesday to see if I will actually get an interview. Apparently there were A LOT of applicants and many of them internal.
Cross your fingers and say a little prayer. I need all the help I can get.