Worry wart

Yesterday after our guests left, I made a trip to TJ’s…actually, it was the second trip of the week.  Did anyone think I was really going to be satisfied with a $35 grocery bill this week?

At brunch, Brad mentioned a few kitchen tools we were missing out on (I swear it was him).  We have somehow been getting by without a block grater because we have a grater attachment on our KitchenAid mixer.  But sometimes we just don’t want to wash it, as splendid as it is.  Brad also had a wonderful idea to gind flax seed which I will be trying out and reporting back on soon.  Last, on my list of missing kitchen tools, the French press we’ve been surviving without for four days.  Having the coffee maker was a lifesaver this weekend since there were two more of us at breakfast, but we need French press back in our lives.

Where can you get these kitchen tools cheaply and quickly…well, just cheaply?  Marshalls of course.

I also hit the running tech shirt jackpot while I was there.  This illustrates why no trip to Marshalls is ever a quick one.  I go in to see if they have a paper towel holder and I end up looking through their clearance dresses for an hour in anticipation of Christmas party season.  I have the focus of a four year old with a Halloween candy hangover.

While standing in line to pay, I had the weirdest sensation, almost like I was having a panic attack.   Then I remembered I had three cups of coffee that day, two of which were at a restaurant and probably 2 x as strong as the kind I make.

Oooh, so thats why my heart was racing.

I arrived home to put groceries away, work on blogging the entire weekend, and do some laundry.  Brad wasn’t home because I had dropped him off at the new house to do some work before I went grocery shopping.

Several hours passed…it got dark…I still I hadn’t heard from Brad.

His phone was on its last juice earlier so I didn’t really expect a phone call, but was concerned that he still wasn’t home.

So being the worrier I am, I decided that after I ate dinner, if he still wasn’t home, I would go look for him.

With all the leftovers in the fridge, it took some thought to figure out what to eat.  I finally decided to eat the last of the pumpkin soup with seared scallops, topped with some TJ’s European organic plain yogurt and some toasted walnuts, with a Dr. Cracker’s cracker on the side. Beautiful in another bowl made by our friend Jason.

I’ve decided that I really like the pumpkin soup, but I think it would be better without the scallops.  Maybe white beans instead?

As soon as dinner was over, I grabbed Rascal and his leash and headed to the car to see if Brad was still at the new house. But first I left a note telling Brad where I was, just in case he returned before I got back.

Of course, as soon as I got all the way down to the bottom of the parking deck in my car, Brad called me to tell me he was home.  I’m so silly.  I think the sudden early darkness is playing with my mind.  It was only 7:30 pm but felt like 10 pm.

As soon as I got back, I had another slice of my chunky apple bundt cake.  Yuuummm. This needs to go in the freezer so I don’t eat cake every night.

We spent the rest of the night doing laundry and dishes.  I was super pumped for the season premier of Desperate Housewives, but not so excited that I had any trouble going to bed immediately after watching it.

Besides worrying myself to death, it was the perfect end to a perfect weekend.