Finally well rested

Last night we attempted to watch videos on our new DSLR on YouTube because the camera did not come with the instructional DVD.  I think we are going to end up purchasing an instructional DVD, but for the most part we figured out the basic settings.

Sleeping was awesome last night for the first time in several nights so I feel much better today.  I feel ready to tackle everything on my to-do list as well as get in some good quality sweating this afternoon.

I should have made a prettier breakfast since I’m debuting my first quality photos, but this totally hit the spot.

I had a piece of Great Harvest Dakota Bread with Laughing Cow, some browning avocado (still delicious!), plus an egg tragedy.  The yolk broke as soon as I cracked it in the pan.  Since we are completely out of fresh fruit, I had some of the pear crisp I made.

The pear crisp is barely sweetened so it’s better for breakfast than for dessert.  If you’re looking for something incredibly sweet, this is not going to do it for you.  But I love it because it isn’t very sweet.

The Dakota Bread was perfectly toasted in our new toaster, thanks to my friend Jessica.  She sent it to us as a wedding present and we just received it yesterday.  We had a whole tower of gifts to open.  Such nice stuff!  Brad says this is the largest toaster he’s ever seen.

We have had a KitchenAid toaster oven since we moved in but toaster ovens seem to take forever when you’re making toast.  I much prefer toasters.  As big as this one is, it’s still way smaller than our gigantic toaster oven.  We need all the space we can get!

This happened while I was making breakfast.  I reached into a drawer and a steak knife cut me.  My hands have scars all over them from burns and cuts, mostly from cooking.  Hopefully my photographer can fix any photos of my hands on Saturday.

Typically my avocado tops my egg, but this worked much better and no avocado fell off while I was eating.  Yummmm, brown avocado.  😉

After breakfast Brad and I went to have our teeth polished.  Ever since I had Invisalign, I have trouble getting my teeth white, even with whitener.  Before the Invisalign, my teeth were pretty white, but somehow the trays trapped things causing stains.  I probably wasn’t as diligent as I should have been about brushing and rinsing before putting the trays back on.  The whole experience was totally worth it and now I have a pretty smile for my wedding day. 🙂

We also went by our reception site to pay the balance.  I have a few other wedding-related tasks to take care of today.  Several of our friends are arriving soon from Seattle and NY so we will be going out to dinner with them tonight, as well as with some friends from San Francisco that have been in town for a couple of days.  I can’t wait to see them!

Have a lovely day!