Back on track

I have the best fiance in the whole world!

Yesterday Brad said that I would get surprise today.  I didn’t mention it here because I had no idea what he meant by that…you never can quite tell what he is up to.

He had a cleaning crew come over and clean our whole condo from top to bottom.  He wanted to take  some of the pressure off me with the wedding coming up this weekend and knew I would try to clean before all of the ladies came over on Saturday to get ready.

How incredibly sweet!

What did I have for dinner?

A bowl of chocolate and cereal…actually it was a SIAB, a chocolate and strawberry SIAB with Heart to Heart Kashi cereal.  Delicious.  I needed the spinach and really wanted something cold and refreshing.  The thought of chocolate didn’t hurt either.

Notice the crappy photograph?  Can you believe I left my camera at work…not the DSLR I have yet to use, thank goodness, but my point and shoot.  Brad actually just tried to return the DSLR because it was missing several things in the box that it is supposed to have.  Nothing too serious, but annoying just the same.  He just returned with everything he left with minus the missing stuff.  Walmart told him he could order it but it wouldn’t make it here before we leave on our honeymoon, which was the whole point of getting the new camera in the first place.  We’re about to look at the directions and figure it out, so hopefully there will be no more “crappy” photos, only clear beautiful photos…knock on wood.

So it’s time to face facts.  This is day two of me not working out and coming home exhausted from little to no sleep.  Lack of sleep and no exercise is a vicious cycle for me.  In this case, I really can’t help the fact that I’m having trouble sleeping.  I’m not staying up too late, my mind is just on overdrive.  When I’m this exhausted, I just want to lay around, hence the no exercising.  I need to feel my best in the next few days so it’s time to put an end to the vicious cycle.  Tonight I’m going to turn in early, take some Benadryl, and not set my alarm.  I’m working from home tomorrow, so as long as I get in my hours, it won’t matter if it’s a typical 8-5 schedule.  Plus, it would be a miracle if I sleep past 7 am.  I’m going to make working out a priority tomorrow and I’m going to feel good about getting back on track, not the fact that I’ve not lived up to my expectations the past few days.  This is an exciting but somewhat stressful time in my life and I need to make sure I’m taking care of myself first and foremost.  I did run 10 miles twice last week, so I need to keep two rest days in perspective for what they are…recovery.

How do you get back on track when you haven’t been living up to your own fitness expectations?