I am so behind on posting my lunches from my Operation Veg-ful Lunch Challenge.
Friday’s lunch was pretty amazing. Don’t you love all that color?
Veggie Sprouted Noodle Stirfry (serves 1)
3/4 cup sprouted noodles*
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 block TJ’s Teriyaki Tofu**
1/2 head of bok choy (~2 cups), chopped
1/2 red bell pepper
1/2 sliced zucchini
1/4 cup fresh green peas
1/2 tsp. minced garlic
3 Tbsp. reduced sodium soy sauce
1/2 tsp. sriracha sauce (red chili sauce)
Boil noodles in water for about six minutes until tender. In a medium sized pan or skillet, spray a bit of olive oil (enough to cover the pan lightly) and add zuchinni and pepper. When veggies start to brown, add tofu, bok choy, and peas. Add sriracha and soy sauce and saute until bok choy is completely wilted.
*I used TJ’s brand, but I’m pretty sure Ezekiel (Food for Life) has their own version
**Feel free to make your own tofu as well.
This was so quick and easy since I made it with pre-marinated and baked tofu. Also, I saved myself some time by cooking the noodles the night before.
I made Friday and Saturday exempt form the veg-full lunch challenge because 1) I had some weird stomach issues on Saturday after running over 7 1/2 miles and only wanted cottage cheese and crackers and 2) Sunday was Mother’s Day lunch at my aunt’s house.
Today’s lunch was leftovers from last night. I made a stew that was originally intended to be a soup. I went a little overboard on ingredients and the results were magical.
So magical that Brad ate it for breakfast and called me at 10:50 am this morning to say, “I just can’t get over your soup.” Not. Kidding. That was his message verbatim. I should have known something was up when he asked me why there’s no such thing as breakfast soup while I was on my way out the door to work.
I’m keeping the recipe to myself for a few days, but I plan to share it on my bi-weekly Savor NC blog post on Wednesday, which I will link to here on Foodie Fresh as well.
I will tell you that the lovely creaminess on top is courtesy of the Goat Lady Dairy.
Last night I enjoyed it with my favorite dinner companion and lover of all my soups on our balcony overlooking the Charlotte skyline. After dinner we set out on a 9.6 mile round trip bike ride for some Yoforia goodness.
And like all stews, after sitting in the fridge over night, it was even more stew-like and even more delicious when reheated for lunch today. This stew is a winner for sure.
How did you pack veggies into your lunch today?