Last night was a blast!
We went over to our friend Katie and Jamie’s house to ring in the New Year. We’ve spent New Years with Katie and Jamie for the past three years…or is it four years? I can’t remember. Must be a sign of old age.
Brad and I had a great time talking to friends. There were about 15 people there, plus Katie’s neighbor, who kept crashing the party periodically throughout the night. He was pretty hilarious.
Our lovely hostess for the evening, Katie.
A group shot later on in the night after some people had left. This was waaaay after midnight.
The spread…
Chips, dip, mini quiches, veggies, chicken buffalo dip
Coconut macaroon cookies and cake balls..and yes, they are as amazing as they sound.
The fondu table
One of many little plates of the evening
Highlight of the night…
Our friend Thomas brought goodies from Amelie’s.
Be still my sweet tooth.
Last night was a late one. Like really really late. I didn’t pay any attention to what time we got in, but Brad says that it was 3:30 am. And then I woke up at 7:30 wanting coffee. Crazy, right?
I soon realized that I had left my camera at Katie and Jamie’s. This is typical for me at their house. Last summer I left my engagement ring in their upstairs bathroom. Whoops.
We had given Thomas a ride home last night, so I gave him a ride back to their house and also picked up my camera.
Around noon, we joined friends at Dandelion Market for brunch. I had never been to there for brunch and was excited that they offer Saturday brunch because some places only offer it on Sundays.
There was mucho coffee.
And for the first time ever, I ordered biscuits and gravy. I’m a biscuits girl all the way, but never ever eat gravy on them. For some reason, it was just what I wanted today.
Plus two delightfully runny eggs over easy.
I didn’t manage to eat all of my sausage gravy, but I made a major dent in it. It tasted like the best thing ever. Now I want baby cast iron frying pans. They’re so cute!
As soon as brunch was over, I knew just what I wanted to do…
…curl up with my little furry man and take a nap. Brad decided to snap this before he headed out for his last long run before his half marathon next Saturday.
My marathon and his half is so close! I’m trying not to get nervous by not thinking about it much.
But I am super excited about being done with marathon training. Like way super excited. I’m just totally burned out with scheduled runs. I want to run when I want to run and for the distance of my choice.
With that being said, I have a challenge for the month of January to celebrate the end of marathon training. Yeah, I know I haven’t even ran the marathon yet. But for all intensive purposes, training is over. I either have it at this point or I don’t and I’m pretty confident I’ve got this. 😉
Check back later for my January no-more-marathon-training celebration challenge.
And, try saying that five times fast.