Brad had a really awesome idea a couple of weeks ago, but I completely forgot about it this morning. He suggested I put whole flax seeds in a spice grinder and grind them as I need them.
Flax seed can be stored for up to a year if left whole, but if they have been ground into meal, they go rancid much more quickly. Brad’s idea would allow me to grind the flax seed a little at a time and eliminate the worry that the flax seeds had gone bad. Genius!
One problem. Notice anything missing? The top knob on the spice mill is missing, which means that it’s basically impossible to grind the flax seeds. 🙁 I really think this would work, I just need to get a spice grinder with no missing components.
I ate my half-ground flax seeds on waffles this morning…waffles with a cream pumpkin topping. 🙂
Pumpkin Cream (for one)
– 1/4 cup canned pumpkin
-1/4 cup 2% Greek yogurt
-1 Tbsp. whipped cream cheese
-1 Tbsp. pumpkin butter
Just mix it all together and use it as a topping on everything! The pumpkin cream wasn’t very sweet; the pumpkin butter just cut the bitterness of the pumpkin. If you prefer a sweeter pumpkin cream, add more pumpkin butter, some Stevia, or some maple syrup. Almond butter might also be an interesting addition. Then it would be called nutty pumpkin cream. 🙂
Coffee and egg puff on the side
Flax on my waffles, pepper on my eggs
Hang in there! It’s almost Friday! 🙂