On Saturday, I helped host a baby shower for my younger cousin April. She’s always loved pickles, so much that she’ll even drink the pickle juice from an empty pickle jar. So when I started thinking about themes for her shower, I was immediately drawn to the “pickles and ice cream theme” that I’ve seen pinned all over Pinterest.
Here’s some photos from the event and you’ll find the menu at the end.

I made the pendant garland myself from scrapbook paper from Michael’s.

Pickles and Ice Cream Baby Shower Menu
– Pickle bar: dill pickles, jalapeno dill pickles, bread and butter pickles
– Fried pickles and ranch dipping sauce from North Star Seafood in Dallas, NC
– Deviled eggs
– Grilled cheese garnished with bread and butter midget pickles
– Dill pickle popcorn from Tastebuds Popcorn in Belmont, NC, served in ice cream cake cones
– Crockpot Meatballs
– Pickle shaped cake
– Cupcakes (white cake with yellow buttercream frosting) garnished with miniature dill pickles
– “Ice cream” cake balls (red velvet and yellow cake) with sugar cones and miniature cake cones
– Fruit Tray
– Veggie Tray
– Chocolate covered strawberries
– Dill pickle dip (I used 4 Tablespoons of dill pickle juice) with plain Ruffles potato chips
– Sundrop punch

We had a great turnout and April got a lot of great gifts!

Me and the mommy-to-be…I guess that makes two mommies-to-be. 🙂
This shower was a huge joint effort and I think we did an awesome job. Everything came together so well and the food (which I personally think is the most important part) was excellent.
I can’t say thank you enough to everyone who helped me with this baby shower. I definitely could not have pulled off anything like all by myself.