Cook Eat Repeat

Actually, just repeat step two because I made enough Chunky Monkey Pancakes, for Brad and I to enjoy them two mornings in a row.

So let me apologize for the repetitiveness, but I can’t say enough how delicious these are.

I just popped them in the microwave to rewarm them a bit, then I topped them with coconut flakes, Trader Joe’s Sunflower Butter (which is heaven on earth), and a drizzle of maple syrup.

I could eat these everyday.

Now, onto something a little more fun.

Vanessa, creative foodie extraordinaire, gave me the stylish blogger award.  How sweet is that!? Thanks so much, Vanessa.  I’ve never received a blog award before so this is really special to me. 🙂

There are 4 duties to perform to accept this award:

1.  Make a post + Link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2.  Share 7 things about yourself.
3.  Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4.  Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won!

Here are my 7 things:

1. Even though I quit being a teacher to go back to grad school for something completely unrelated, I actually really like teaching. I love sharing new things with people and helping them figure it out for themselves, which is the best kind of teaching; helping people discover new things.  I hope in my next job or somewhere in the future I can find an outlet for this.

2. This sounds strange but I like cemeteries, which I may have mentioned before.  After my maternal grandfather died, my grandmother used to take me to have picnics at the cemetery where he is buried.  It was a really beautiful place so I grew up being really comfortable (not creeped out or scared) in cemeteries.  I also love history so I find them oddly intriguing.  I think people’s life stories should be etched on their headstone.  I would love to read them.

3. I was never athletic as a child or a teenager.  I missed multiple field days because of my asthma.  BUT, I was (and still am) really good at girlie activities like jumping rope, roller skating, and hula hooping.  I actually think it would be a lot of fun to go roller skating one night.  I always tell Brad I want to join roller derby, but he thinks I’m crazy.

4. I am the oldest child, grandchild, and great grandchild in my father’s family and I tend to have typical first born personality.

5.  My inability to stop myself when it comes to chocolate showed up early in life.  When I was four, I licked all of the chocolate icing off a cake my grandmother had made. My aunt tried to take the blame,  but everyone knew it was me.

6. I was voted Most Likely to Succeed in high school for senior superlatives.

7. When I got married, I took Brad’s last name but also kept my maiden name and my middle name.  So now, I have four names.

Now for 15 recently discovered  bloggers…

I don’t have 15 recently discovered,  because I already have tons of blogs I read and cannot afford the time to add 15 more.  So I’ll list some new great finds as well as some old favorites. 🙂

1. A Healthy Slice of Life
2. Cotter Crunch
3. Flour Child
4. Health for the Whole Self
5. Peas in a Blog
6. Sarah for Real
7. Katy Loves
8. YuppieYogini
9. Thin Thighs and Sweet Potato Fries
10. Run. Write. Therapy. Life.
11. Geek Turned Athlete
12. Can You Stay For Dinner?

…and that’s all I’ve got.  Fifteen is a lot so you’ll be happy with 12 right?  Every time I see one of these lists I tell myself to look away because I have waaaay too much going on right now to add a new blog to my reading list.  But I usually end up clicking on one anyway because blogs are too good to resist.  So, if you’re looking to add to your blog reading list, you should definitely check out some of these ladies.  They’re amazing! 🙂