Yesterday morning began with a beautiful sunrise (about an hour after I woke up).
This photo doesn’t do it justice. There were about five different colors in the sky.
Oats were on the agenda…strawberry pomegranate cottage cheese oats to be exact.
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup almond milk
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup fat free cottage cheese
3/4 cup frozen strawberries
1 cap of real vanilla extract
3 Tbsp. pomegranate aerials
1 Tbsp. unsalted cashew butter
Bring oats, milk, and water to a boil in a small pot. Stir in cottage cheese and vanilla. Once liquid is almost completely absorbed by oats, spoon oats into a bowl. Top with pomegranate aerials and 1 Tbsp. cashew butter.
I LOVE the combination of dark red, light blue, and ivory.
I see a lot of this color combination in my future. 🙂
So the day started out well…
and then…
around lunch time I started to feel kinda blah. As each hour passed, I felt more pressure on my sinuses. My head started to get fuzzy. I started sneezing more than my typical 3 x in a row (yes, like clockwork I sneeze 3 x if I sneeze at all). My voice started sounding like it was coming down a long hallway before it reached my ears. My face became flushed and my nose was runny.
It was bad. I was getting sick.
I planned to stay until the end of the day, but decided at 4 pm to give it up. I couldn’t concentrate and felt feverish. My family, Brad, and coworkers were sick the past two weeks. I’m sure my office would not have appreciated me sharing my germs. So I left feeling like I was in a fog.
Brad found me on the coach when he got home later that evening when he got home. And he came in bearing gifts.
Did you know Larabar is introducing a new flavor? (check out my lying-on-the-couch reading materials)
Me neither!
The good folks at Larabar sent me several of these babies, but I’m holding off on trying them until my taste buds are back 100%.
Not that that hasn’t kept me from eating a’plenty while I’m sick. Boredom = snacking, for me.
There was no chicken soup in the house, but there was TJ’s lentil vegetable soup. I had it with a dollop of Greek yogurt and some Kashi crackers on the side.
Brad and I lied on the couch all night and watched Weeds until bed.
One thing that I did not take into account when I made my January challenge, was that I might get sick. I rarely get sick so I didn’t even consider this. When weighing my options, resting and getting well for my marathon this Sunday takes priority.
I’ve been training and preparing for this one event since mid September and technically July if you count building my mileage up before my wedding so I would be in a good place once I returned from my honeymoon.
Debating on whether to suck it up and exercise, even though I feel like crap was a no- brainer. I’m not going to let anything get in the way of my goal to finish a marathon. Rest is what I need and rest is what I’m going to give my body.
Ironically enough, the week before my very first half marathon (Kiawah Island Half Marathon in South Carolina), I got strept throat. Maybe sickness is my body’s way of saying, you really should sit on your butt and rest the week before you do something so taxing on your body.
All I know is that I must get better.