December makes me crazy

Case in point:

I haven’t blogged for days.  And that’s not like me.  I’m usually more consistent than this.  Reason #1: Mainly because it’s December and I’m so very busy.  In fact, looking back a year ago, I realized that there are zero posts from last December.  Apparently December makes me crazy; crazy forgetful, crazy busy, and sometimes just shear crazy.

But first, I cannot go another day without showing you the cupcakes my aunt made for my cousin’s 13th birthday party, last Friday.

A night at the movies was the theme of the party.

She made these by snipping about a million mini marshmallows with scissors, pressing them into the icing of the cupcake, and then spraying them with edible yellow dye.

She’s so creative!


Now onto this past weekend.

I ran an easy 9 miles on the treadmill because I didn’t want to run into the Thunder road marathon and half marathon that took place Saturday morning in Charlotte.  Besides that, I was busy packing and getting on a plane for D.C., where Brad’s company Christmas party was being held that night.

This is the dress I worked so hard to get.  I loved it! I don’t think I’ve wore taffeta since the 4th grade. 🙂  And lucky for me, I already had shoes to match.

Brad looked very handsome in his jacket and tie.  I really like him in dark colors.

The party was a lot of fun but I’m pretty sure I ate way too much that night, complete with calling for pizza delivery at 2 am.  I was exhausted the next day and gave myself permission to eat and eat as we sat in the airport for hours and hours as our flight was delayed over and over again.

We finally made it home much later than we had planned.  Monday was another day of mindless eating.  There were five billion Christmas cookies at work and I ate at least half of them.  I ate so many that when I got home that night and found that Brad had cooked dinner, I had to tell him there was no way I could eat any of it.  🙁

Isn’t that sad after he was so sweet to make dinner?  I felt awful.

What is it about December that makes me so crazy?


When I was interviewed for the 7 Day Challenge podcast (which airs December 16), Bobby, the host asked me for some tips on maintaining weight during the holidays.  I’ve had holidays where I’ve gained weight, lost weight, and maintained weight, and I know exactly what I did to make those things happen.  But sometimes what you know doesn’t result in what you do.  I know how to maintain my weight over the holidays, but sometimes I allow emotions, stress, and an overabundance of foods I don’t regularly see to get the best of me.

One thing that I did not get a chance to say during the interview was something I think is extremely important to remember: Tomorrow is another day.  Scarlet O’Hara was onto something when she said that.  It’s something I have to remind myself when I’m down in the dumps and feeling like I’ve not been taking care of myself.  I’m sure there are a few people out there that need to hear those words too.

(source) (Scarlett gets a lot of naysayers, but I love her spunk. :))

And then there’s this quote from Emerson:
Finish each day and be done with it.  You  have done what you could.  Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can.  Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.

Just because I’ve eaten almost nothing but crap for the past three days, doesn’t mean I have to continue to eat that way for the rest of the holiday season.  That would be nonsense. I’m not a wait until January 1st kind of person.  I’m a let’s get this started as soon as possible kind of person.  The more I let my eating spin out of control, the worse I feel, so shouldn’t I want to feel better as soon as possible?

So my new day started like this:

In a very rushed state (it is December after all) I grabbed two pieces of Ezekiel Cinnamon Raisin toast.  I shmeared one with cashew butter and half a banana, the other one with Earth Balance and a generous shake of cinnamon.

Today is our holiday covered dish luncheon at work so I decided to bring something easy and healthy: spinach salad with parmesan and TJ’s rosemary pecans and dried cranberries.  I also grabbed two salad dressings for variety.  I was going to make my own, but decided to take the easy way out and be easy on myself by buying whatever was on sale at the Teeter.

The rest of the week is going to be cer-razy.  But hopefully I won’t follow suit.

Early tomorrow morning, I head to Valle Crucis (read: middle of nowhere mountains of NC) to spend a very frigid two days for work.

I may as well be heading to Minnesota.   Little to no blogging will probably be done since all meals will be consumed with coworkers.  So, if I’m MIA for the next few days, don’t send the Saint Bernards to dig me out of the snow just yet.

Here’s to less crazy and more healthy. 🙂