Pesto is the besto

That’s so lame it’s funny.

Lunch looks a bit odd, but take my work for it, it was DElicious.

That may look like Christmas toast, but it’s actually Ezekiel with a Laughing Cow, sauteed spinach, copious amounts of pesto, and a few sundried tomatoes.  I added an egg for some protein and a Pink Lady for a sweet finish.

So freaking good.

Before this I actually had a mini cheese biscuit at a work meeting.  I didn’t finish my oatmeal this morning so my stomach started talking to me about 10 am.  I didn’t snap a photo because it was work and when you’re in a room of people who are a lot more important than you, you don’t want to explain blogging.

I feel like I need to address something I mentioned when I got back from my honeymoon last week.  I mentioned that I had gained a few pounds while I was in Italy.  I actually gained five pounds, or at least that’s what the scale said.  Five pounds is a lot on a small frame, but I decided not to get all worked up about it and just go back to my regularly scheduled eating habits and hope everything would balance itself out.  This was a major lesson in the scale not telling the whole story.  By Friday, the five pounds were gone.  It seems that most of it must have been water weight, probably from eating restaurant food with a lot of sodium and a 10 hour plane ride, which will make you retain water like whoa.  I’m so glad I didn’t waste a lot of energy worrying about it.  That would have been such a waste of time and energy.

P.S. Thanks for the fig suggestions, guys.  Can’t wait to try your ideas and recipes!