Sick as a dog


I should have known something was up when Rascal seemed like he was trying to sit on the edge of his seat in his car.  A few minutes later I figured out that he had gotten sick in his seat and didn’t want it to get on him.  Great.

This has happened before, although it’s been over a year since it happened in the car.  I was well prepared with baby wipes.  I also had a plastic bag which came in handy as well.

On my way home from work, I stopped to pick Rascal up at my aunt’s and she gave me a ton of peaches in all sizes, from small to ginormous.  Some of these are definitely going to end up in the freezer.

I had plans to go running with a group of girls, but bailed because I was afraid Rascal would get sick on the couch while I was gone.  Being at home didn’t really help matters because as soon as I turned my back he jumped up on the couch and got sick.  Twice.

Ready for dinner now?

1/2 can TJ’s tomato bisque

a slice of Dakota bread with two kinds of cheese, New Zealand Cheddar and Cotswald with chives, sliced thinly with a veggie peeler

brussel sprouts, thawed from being frozen in the microwave, then sauteed with sriracha and a pinch of brown sugar and salt

This is my favorite way to have brussels and I know I got the idea from somewhere but have no idea where.  If I got it from you, please take full credit.

Since I didn’t get my run in, I wanted to do some kind of exercise.  I’ve heard that plyometrics is good for runners and can help you improve overall.  I did P90X for 60 days last winter, but stopped because I got bored with it.  Because I did the lean version, I never tried the plyometrics, because it wasn’t on my schedule for the first 60 days.

Tonight was the night to try it.

This is how I usually workout to DVDs.  I watch the exercise DVD on my laptop and watch TV in the background through the three large mirrors on the wall.  Wow, Toni looks crazy.

This is what I mean by a sweaty mess.

I really liked the plyometrics.  It was a lot of jumping around and I really like circuit training because I don’t get bored easily.  I will definitely do this video again.  Let’s see if it improves my speed.

After my workout, i drug this little guy out of bed who was not happy about it at all.  I suspected he needed a shower.  I always bathe Rascal in the shower with me.  He’s always been such a needy dog and always behaved better if I was in the shower with him.

I don’t usually  have a snack before bed, but I got hungry and had the last of the Flax Plus with half a banana and almond milk.

I also made some of these Chocolate Coconut Date Truffle, but made them smaller than usual.  My recipe usually makes 4 and they come in at 200 cals a piece.  This time I shaped them into 11 smaller truffles and then ate one because I wanted to I don’t like odd numbers.  🙂

Confession of a bad blogger: I also had about 6 little clumps of my homemade granola today and 4 tortilla chips.  It’s hard to photograph everything, but I thought I would come clean.

Rascal is still getting sick every few hours so he has been banished to his bed.  He’s not allowed to sleep with me tonight, but he’s perfectly comfortable in his little bed as you can see above.  I hope he’s better in the morning.

Good night.