Try try again

I tried them once and though, “Meh, that was okay”.  But I’ve tried them again and have completely changed my tune.  What’s that you ask?

Overnight Oats!

It’s been soooo hot here in NC lately and I’ve been neglecting my oatmeal because I just didn’t have a taste for steaming oats.  I decided to give overnight oats another try after noticing that some other bloggers add milk to their version.

The first time I tried overnight oats, I used yogurt and oats only because that’s what I had observed in other blogs.  I think the almond milk I added totally changed the texture from pasty to creamy.

In reality these were actually 30 minute in the fridge oats, not overnight oats because I didn’t have that much forethought the night before.

I couldn’t remember the exact ratios I have observed of oats to yogurt to milk so I just winged it.

In my bowl:

1/3 cup gluten free oats (I’m not going gluten free – just thought I would try them out)

1/3 cup Chobani 2% Greek yogurt

1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk

Refrigerated for 30 minutes at minimum, then added:

1/2 sliced banana

1 Tbsp. almond butter

small sprinkled (~1 1/2 Tbsp.) homemade granola

Confession: This is an old photo – today was my actual third try with overnight oats.  I never used this photo and thought it would be prettier than my plastic ware I use for car eating.

This really hit the spot and was the perfect ratio to avoid an unpleasant texture.  I loved the crunch the granola added.  I haven’t shared my homemade granola recipe because it is still in the works.  I now  know why oil is in almost every recipe; it burns pretty quickly without it.  My granola turned out just okay.  It’s crunchy and serves its purpose.  I just made homemade applesauce the other day so I definitely want to use it to make the next batch of granola.

I never make it past 11:30 for lunch.  Today’s feature on my messy desk that only gets messier as the week goes on: salad mess courtesy of all the veggies I chopped up last weekend.  Yes, they’re still fresh.  It had:

Romaine lettuce

Sliced tomato

Hearts of palm



Red bell pepper

1 oz. goat cheese

Green onion

Earth Fare almond grain patty

Topped with a little bit of honey, lemon juice, and Bragg’s Aminos as a dressing and a peach on the side.

My afternoon snack was a fail.  Why does my coworker’s microwave pop a bag of popcorn perfectly one day and burn the same size bag the next?  Oh well, I ate it anyway because I don’t mind burned popcorn all that much and the snack machine was not an option.  I mixed in dried cranberries and soy nuts to make it more interesting.

I left work a bit early to meet with my wedding director.  I can’t believe I’m getting married in 28 days!  Still so much to do!

I just got home and grabbed a quick snack to fuel a workout.

Spelt Blueberry Muffins with a bit of sesame seed butter and blackberry jam both condiments courtesy of Trader Joe’s.  I better get at it or I’m going to lose all motivation.

Happy Monday being over!