All about the toast

Lately, I’ve been eating a lot of toast.  But not just buttered toast or toast with jelly; toast with so many toppings, it’s practically a meal in itself.

Take Thursday (yesterday) for example…

Now, this doesn’t look very pretty, but I assure you that it’s delicious.  One egg, over easy, on top of toast smeared with a Light Swiss Laughing Cow, then topped with one ounce of avocado.  Yum!  I love eggs and avocado, even though Brad thinks it’s gross.

Served with a side of sliced kiwi, eaten with skin on.  🙂

The fun part of this toast-based breakfast was using my new Misto, which was filled with olive oil.  I’ve been questioning the whole non-stick spray think lately and decided to pick one of these up at Marshalls.

It worked like a charm.

Please excuse my messy desk.  I would say that it doesn’t always look like this, but that would be a bold-faced lie.  As soon as I put something away, I have to find it again.  So, I typically just leave all the files and papers from the 15 projects I’m working on at one time, out on my desk where I can easily (?) find it.

Lunch was Ezekiel toast (of course), topped with one ounce of melted Brie, Crofters Superfruit Asia Jam (love this stuff), then topped with some tempeh I sautted in a skillet last week.  I had this along with a salad full of veggies: romaine, carrots, celery, tomatoes, and red bell pepper, drizzled with lemon juice and honey.

In other news, these capris are proof that my Wedding Shape-up Challenge is totally working.  I haven’t wore these capris since I was a senior in college and weighed much less.  The funny this is (and I’ve mentioned this before), is that I haven’t actually lost any LB’s.  Well maybe 1-2?  But not a significant amount.  The Wedding Shape-up Challenge is all about the muscle build and the fat loss.  I wish I would have taken before shots or measurements before, because I can definitely tell a difference.  This just goes to show that number on the scale, ladies, do not matter so much.  And I’m wagging my finger at myself too as I say this.  You can build muscle and lose fat, fit into clothes you haven’t fit into in years, and the scale may not budge a bit.  The way your clothes fit and how you feel is truly the best way to judge your progress.

One more story for the road:

I had my first almost wedding crisis yesterday.  My seamstress has been putting off being finished with my dress for weeks.  She basically told me it would be ready June 15, but wasn’t ready because every time I tried it on, something else needed to be done (usually things I had already asked her to do to it).  To make a long story short, it was supposed to “really” be done last week but ended up not being done until yesterday after she didn’t return my phone calls for two days and told me she didn’t know when it would be ready on Wednesday.  My bridal portrait is today, hence the almost crisis, so I really needed to get it yesterday at the very latest.  I almost lost my cool as I contemplated how I was going to pick the lock or bust down the door on her shop to get my dress, which was being held hostage.  Luckily everything worked out.  I said thank you, took my dress, and never looked back.    All’s well that ends well, right?

I’m crossing my fingers that this is the only crisis adverted and everything else is smooth sailing.

Any wedding horror stories to share?  I know these kind of things happen to everyone, so it’s good to keep it all in perspective.