Recovery Sunday

This weekend my little brother got married.

It was such a fun weekend and the wedding was incredibly sweet and full of Wess and Jen’s personality.  The only problem was that I forgot my camera.  I took it out on Thursday to take a photo of something and left it on my desk.  I didn’t realize this until noon on Friday when we were leaving to go out-of-town for the wedding.

They were married at Lake Lure, which every good North Carolinian knows is where the movie Dirty Dancing was filmed.  The 1927 Lake Lure Inn and Spa was the site of the wedding and also where we stayed.  I’ll do more of a recap when my family returns from the beach and is able to send me their photos. Until then, this is one of their engagement photos.

Since the wedding was at 3 pm, Brad and I decided to save some moolah and return home that evening, giving us all day Sunday to relax, which in my mind means get things done that I can’t possibly get done during the week.

Sunday morning started off with some random eating to fuel myself for a planned run at 11 am with these ladies.

From left to right: Jen, Jen, Kath (emerging from the jungle), Emily, Brittney, and me.

It was hotter than blue blazes to use a southern colloquialism.  We ran five miles, and just like the last time I was with Kath and  Emily, I ran out of steam with 0.25 miles to go and ended up doing a walk/run to finish up.    Silly me forgot my water (notice a pattern here of forgetfulness?)  so I definitely chugged a good bit once we returned to Kath’s house for lunch.

Still missing my camera, although I should have used my phone, you should head over to one of their websites to see the delicious spread we concocted.

After a really nice lunch and getting to know each other, I headed to Michael’s to pick up our framed engagement photo then swung  by and picked Brad up to make our second trip to Men’s Warehouse for wedding attire.  Last time we went, Brad couldn’t find a shirt he liked, so this was a second attempt.  It was a really good thing that we made that second trip because, although the salespeople recognized us, they just couldn’t seem to find any record that we had been there previously, meaning nothing had actually been ordered.  Jeez.   We finally got everyone on the same page and avoided a little mini crisis.  Then it was off to Target to buy some workout clothes for me.  I’m totally over not wearing water wicking shirts when running in 90+ temperature so making a few purchases was a must.

Brad was an excellent husband-to-be and made me dinner that evening.  Earlier that day, he had used our meat grinder to turn lamb into ground lamb for gyros.  He followed Alton Brown’s recipe almost to the T.  My contribution to the meal was saying I was too hungry to wait for the lamb to be turned into meatloaf for the gyros and could we not saute it like hamburger paddies instead.  Brad obliged.

Contents of my gyro: Alton Brown’s tzatziki sauce, sliced lamb-burgers, and cucumbers.

My plate.  I  had one gyro, plus a few more of the filling (not picture) with a side salad.  My salad was made up of mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, feta, and a drizzle of lemon juice and honey (my new favorite salad “dressing”).

Brad had feta on his gyro but since I chose to put it on my salad, I left it off the gyro.   Also, I’ve never had feta on a gyro but Brad says he always has it this way.

Brad and I have a lot of different food experiences, from Eastern versus Western-style barbeque, to the cake-like cornbread served by his family versus the grittier corn meal version my family serves.  These differences have definitely broadened my food horizons.  🙂