Full Fat Flavor

I was recently at the grocery story and realized it was closing time, so I swung by the dairy section and grabbed the first Greek yogurt I saw that was on sale.

I later realized that I had bought the full fat version.  The last time I did this I actually returned the yogurt for the fat-free version.  However, this time I decided to go with it.  Can I just say that full fat Greek yogurt is life changing?  Yes, it is that good.

This got me thinking about whole milk versus skim milk, which one is really better for you, or  really which is better for me, because that’s what really matters.

After doing a little digging in research studies, I finally decided that the research is really unclear.  Studies show that whole milk will raise your cholesterol (because of the higher cholesterol content).  But more recent studies suggest that whole milk can aid in less weight gain.  Perhaps its the fat that makes you feel full and helps you to eat less. (?)

Here are the stats from my yogurt.

The difference in calories, fat, and cholesterol is significant, but boy is it yummy.

So what are we to do with all of this unclear research?  I know what I’m going to do.  I’m going to not be so all or nothing until I know all of the facts.  I might buy full fat every now and then because i really like it, but overall, I’m going to mix it up and when I do use full-fat, I will use less.  Typically I bring fruit and granola with my yogurt; this time I did not.

In other news, I have managed to dress decently for two days in a row.  Usually my clothes choices have more to do with my inability to iron than what I really want to wear.  How do people take decent pictures of themselves this way?  This sub-par picture was one of four failed attempts.

What do you think?  Some people are die-hard full-fat dairy product consumers, while others won’t go near anything but skim products.  Where do your loyalties lie?