After picking up a few friends, Brad and I swung by his boss’ house for candy and were on our way. One of our friends had suggested going to the restaurant Andrew Blair’s because they were having a big Halloween party. There were tons of people there and surprisingly in pretty unique and interesting costumes. In other words, I didn’t see a single Michael Jackson or John and Kate plus Eight milling about.
My flapper dress was awesome. Especially since it was loaned from one of my coworkers who came up with the idea for my costume and only required that I go out and buy a headband, which I used to hold the feather for my hair. Did I mentioned that the feather was just given to me also? The Executive Assistant in my office had an old masquerade mask and told me to take it home and cut the feathers off for my costume. Double score! By far the cheapest costume I’ve ever had.

Brad’s costume went perfectly with mine. Per usual, he waited until Halloween day to think of and put together his costume. However, everything came together perfectly and he looked just like Charlie Chaplin!

Now for the couple shot…

And one more…

We met up with my friend Brittany who you might have seen in an earlier post dressed as a pilot. On this night she was a wizard.

For some reason the camera really never captured the eats and drinks of the night. I had a glass of shiraz at the condo party and several light beers at Andrew Blair’s. There was also a mini whoppers and mini kit kat consumed while driving. When I got home I was pretty ravenous and had a small ramekin of Greek yogurt, raspberries, PB puffins, and almond butter.
Overall, it was a great night! Tomorrow I’m looking forward to dress shopping and doing better at capturing my food in photos.