This was the second part of my snack when I got home today, which took place after my Kind bar. Notice my little man in the background. 🙂 Also, notice my bandaged thumb that I almost sliced the tip off of last weekend. I’ve been keeping it covered because I can’t forget to refrain from using it.

But maybe we should start at the beginning of my day. I made oats the night before so I reheated them with a bit of milk and some sliced bananas. I added some TJ’s pumpkin butter and some almond butter to my oats and it was all ready for the car ride.

And here is my snacks and lunch for the day also packaged and ready to go the night before. There is just not enough time in the morning to pack it. If I wait that long I’ll eat frozen meals and a bar for both snacks.

Starting on the right:
- Morning snack: 2 kiwis and one light string cheese
- Lunch: leftovers from two nights ago – barbecue salmon, acorn squash quinoa, and freshly steamed green beans
- Afternoon snack: 1/2 a peach which I later nuked until it was half peach/half juice, mixed in with 2/3 cup of Greek yogurt, and a bit of macadamia nuts, almonds, and dried cranberry mixture.
I also had a small Hershey’s dark chocolate square.
You would think that my afternoon snack could have gotten me home and through my workout, but it did not. I had intentions to wake up early this morning and run, but after tossing and turning all night, I needed that extra 40 minutes of sleep.
After running a little over 4 miles and doing 5 measly little minutes of ab work, I was so ready for dinner. The weight class I took the night before (Group Power) involved doing endless amounts of varieties of crunches until we were all laying flat on our back and gasping for air. My stomach muscles were not ready for another workout just yet. I was actually kind of disappointed in myself. I wanted to run 6 miles but was pretty tired (and bored from treadmill running) at about 3.5 miles. On the elevator ride from the gym to the condo, two guys in the elevator asked me what I had done at the gym and how far I had run. They made a big deal about me running four miles. Now granted, these guys were completely full of it, but they helped me put my exercise into perspective. I did go exercise after all when I really didn’t want to. I need to stop being my biggest critic and accept these small things as little victories. Moving away from the negative talking in my own head is probably my biggest challenge in life. Maybe I didn’t run as far as I wanted to, but I did something good for myself and that’s all that matters. I can only hope the next time you find yourself in a self-hating situation because you didn’t hold up to your own expectations, you are also talked up by some guys in the elevator that put everything back into perspective.
Anyway…Brad was on his way home from Raleigh and had mentioned that he had been craving eggs so I whipped us up some omelettes. I decided to make them Italian-ish. I sauteed some garlic and spinach, later adding cherry heirloom tomatoes I had sliced in halves.

Then I removed the veggies and added 1/4 cup of egg substitute and 1/4 cup of egg whites to the frying pan that I had whisked together with some salt and pepper. I chopped into cubs about 1 oz. of buffalo mozzarella and added that to the eggs. Then I added the vegetables back in and about 1/2 a tsp of dried basil and flipped the egg over in half.

Somehow this made it on my plate without spilling out all of its contents. I topped it off with some whole wheat bread and pumpkin butter. I had used only half of the veggies and made the same for Brad using the last two real eggs we had in the fridge.

I think my body is craving carbs because I still fell a bit unsatisfied. I see dessert in my future.