Hummus among us

I’ve been meaning to make hummus for quite some time.  I sought out tahini at the local Home Economist over a month ago and have had a can of chickpeas waiting patiently in the pantry for even longer.  It was so simple I can’t believe I have never made hummus  before!

I had the urge to go crazy with flavors such as curry, cilantro,  honey, and cayenne…but with Brad’s advice, I stuck to your typical garlic hummus since it was my first time and all.

1 16 oz. can of organic chickpeas
1/2 the liquid from the chickpeas
2 Tbsp. tahini
3 Tbsp. lemon juice
5 small garlic cloves (minced)
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. olive oil

Separate liquid into a container from the chickpeas.

Add all ingredients to the food processor.

Eye-balled half of the amount as I poured it into the food processor.

Next, I scraped the contents into a plastic container for storage.

Then I pureed all the ingredients.


The recipes I referred to for my hummus all used much more olive oil.  I thought I would start out with less, then add more later if I missed the additional oil.  I don’t miss it at all!  I love olive oil, but it’s nice to be able to cut back on something without really changing the flavor/texture of the product.

All in all, this was definitely a success.  I’ve been finding a way to have some every day.  Today was a spinach, goat cheddar, and hummus sandwich.  I can’t wait to try interesting varieties of this recipe. 🙂